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发表时间: 07/06/2019  
















Anti-extradition bill protesters march during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong, China July 1, 2019. 

Anti-extradition bill protesters march during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong, China July 1, 2019.

Anti-extradition bill protesters march during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong, China July 1, 2019.

Protesters try to break into the Legislative Council building where riot police are seen,

Riot police use pepper spray as protesters try to break into the Legislative Council building 

Protesters try to break into the Legislative Council building where riot police are seen, during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong

Riot police is seen inside the Legislative Council building where protesters try to break into, during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong



Protester looks at the damages made on the Legislative Council building during riots during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong

Lawmakers Kwok Ka-ki and Leung Yiu-chung talk to protesters as they try to break into the Legislative Council building during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong, China July 1, 2019. 

Anti-extradition bill protesters use umbrellas to build a barricade while riot police stand guard on the Legislative Council compound

A man takes pictures inside the Legislative Council building as protesters try to break in during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong, China July 1, 2019. 

Protester breaks into the Legislative Council building

Protester breaks into the Legislative Council building

Protester breaks into the Legislative Council building

Protester breaks into the Legislative Council building

Riot police stand behind glass smashed by anti-extradition bill protesters at the Legislative Council building

Protester breaks into the Legislative Council building

Protesters move a barricade outside the Legislative Council building

People gather outside the Legislative Council building while it is being stormed by protesters on the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong

Anti-extradition bill protesters use the flashlights from their phones as they march during the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong, China July 1, 2019. 

Anti-extradition bill protesters break into the Legislative Council building

Protesters storm the Legislative Council building

People walk inside the Legislative Council building, after protesters stormed the building

Protester breaks into the Legislative Council building

Protester breaks into the Legislative Council building

Protesters break into the Legislative Council building 

Protester gestures as he tries to break into the Legislative Council building where riot police are seen

Colonial flag of Hong Kong is displayed inside a chamber after protesters broke into the Legislative Council building

A person sprays paint over Hong Kong's coats of arms inside a chamber after protesters broke into the Legislative Council building

Protesters are seen inside a chamber after they broke into the Legislative Council building

People walk inside the Legislative Council building, after protesters stormed the building

Protesters break into the Legislative Council building 

Anti-extradition bill protesters set up a a barricade inside the Legislative Council building after demonstrators stormed the building

Anti-extradition bill protesters set up barricades inside the Legislative Council building after demonstrators stormed the building 

People walk inside the Legislative Council building, after protesters stormed the building

A person tears a book of Hong Kong Basic Law as he stands next to a colonial flag of Hong Kong displayed inside a chamber

A man uses a loudspeaker as he stands next to a colonial flag of Hong Kong and a banner displayed inside a chamber

A protester uses a loudspeaker inside the Legislative Council building 

A person holds a placard next to a banner displayed inside a chamber

People are seen inside a chamber, after protesters broke into the Legislative Council building



Protesters hold a banner inside the Legislative Council building

A man runs inside the Legislative Council building, after protesters stormed the building

Graffiti left by anti-extradition bill protesters as they break into the Legislative Council building 

Graffiti left by anti-extradition bill protesters as they break into the Legislative Council building 

A police officer fires a baton round outside the Legislative Council building, after protesters stormed the building

Protesters react after tear gas was fired by police outside the Legislative Council building, after demonstrators stormed the building

Protesters and journalists are seen after tear gas was fired by police outside the Legislative Council building, after demonstrators stormed the building on the anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China in Hong Kong

Graffiti left by anti-extradition bill protesters as they break into the Legislative Council building 

Riot police clear the streets outside the Legislative Council building, after protesters stormed the building

Riot police clear the streets outside the Legislative Council building

Riot police clear the streets outside the Legislative Council building

Riot police clear the streets outside the Legislative Council building

Riot police clear the streets outside the Legislative Council building

Riot police take up position outside the Legislative Council building

Riot police take up position outside the Legislative Council building

Colonial flag of Hong Kong is displayed inside a chamber after protesters broke into the Legislative Council building

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam (R) and Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu speak to media over an extradition bill in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu


A man sits on the stairs of the Legislative Council as he reads post-it notes left behind by protesters, a day after they broke into the building, in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

A worker walks past post-it notes scribbled with messages, left behind by protesters on the walls of the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building, in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

Policemen stand in front of graffiti on the walls of the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

Policemen stand in front of graffiti on the walls of the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

A caricature of Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam is seen on a pillar of the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building, in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

A poster showing Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam and the message "Step down" is seen at a memorial for a protester who fell to his death, at the Legislative Council a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019.

A  memorial for a protester who fell to his death is seen at the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019.

Posters showing Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam and the message "Step down" are seen at the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

Broken glass and graffiti are seen at the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

Umbrellas and posters are seen left outside the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 

Policemen stand in front of graffiti on the walls of the Legislative Council, a day after protesters broke into the building in Hong Kong, China July 2, 2019. 








栏目: 首页 -> 政局


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