美国第45任总统唐纳德-J-川普的声明: 乔-拜登是第一位根本不想让美国成为一个国家的美国总统。

发表: 2021-06-05 00:51:25 | 更新: 2021-06-05 00:56:41

美国第45任总统唐纳德-J-川普的声明: 乔-拜登是第一位根本不想让美国成为一个国家的美国总统。


令人难以置信的是,亚利桑那州的RINO州长Doug Ducey刚刚否决了一项禁止对州政府雇员进行批判性种族理论培训的法案,以及另一项禁止向从未要求投票的公民邮寄选票的法案。他是在通过预算的幌子下这样做的。对于那些认为道格-杜西对亚利桑那州有好处的人,你们错了。我们的国家需要司法部长马克-布尔诺维奇(Mark Brnovich),他在选民诚信和2020年总统选举骗局方面至今没有什么作为,但州参议院中爱国的共和党人正在为不可选的RINO们补课。


留在墨西哥,也称为MPP(移民保护协议),不仅是一个历史性的外交政策胜利,而且是任何人在任何地方实施过的最成功的边境安全计划之一。与我们的中美洲安全第三协议、庇护改革和加速遣返程序一起,我们将边境人数赶到了历史最低点,并结束了被称为 "抓了就放 "的可怕做法。




拜登政府正式终止 "留在墨西哥 "政策的灾难性决定证明,他们的目标是完全消除美国边境,用如此多的非法移民淹没这个国家,使每个社区都不堪重负。


Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Remain in Mexico, also known as MPP (Migrant Protection Protocols), was not only a historic foreign policy triumph but one of the most successful border security programs anyone has ever put into effect anywhere. Along with our Central America Safe Third agreements, asylum reforms, and expedited removal procedures we drove border numbers to record lows and we ENDED the horrendous practice known as Catch-and-Release.

No American President had ever done more to defend the border and safeguard the whole immigration system.

The Biden Administration inherited the most secure border in history, and they turned it into the greatest border disaster in history. Our border is now run by cartels, criminals, and coyotes. Illegal immigrants, gang members, and lethal drugs are pouring across like never before. Not only are illegal immigrants being caught and released, they are being put up in hotels at taxpayer expense.

Our country is being destroyed before our very eyes.

The Biden Administration’s disastrous decision to formally end the Remain in Mexico policy is proof that their objective is to eliminate the U.S. border entirely and flood the country with so many illegal aliens that every community is overwhelmed.

Joe Biden is the first American President who doesn’t want America to be a nation at all.

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