美国第45任总统唐纳德-J-川普的声明:他们当然喜欢拜登,因为现在他们将被允许回到他们欺骗我们国家的老路上。如果我是这些国家的领导人,我也会喜欢拜登远胜于川普总统。他们现在将像过去一样从美国获得大量财富,直到做出改变。我支持 美国优先
2021-06-13 00:32:07 |
2021-06-13 00:34:09
这是法国总统的一句话。他和在他之前的许多其他领导人,在法国和整个欧洲,正在以前所未有的方式宰割美国。我们受到了非常不公平的待遇,有可怕的贸易协议,并为他们的国防支付了很大一部分费用。他们正在利用美国,因此,他们当然喜欢拜登,因为现在他们将被允许回到他们欺骗我们国家的老路上。如果我是这些国家的领导人,我也会喜欢拜登远胜于川普总统。他们现在将像过去一样从美国获得大量财富,直到做出改变。我支持 "美国优先"!
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
think it's great to have a US President part of the club and very
willing to cooperate," said French President Emmanuel Macron.
was a quote by the President of France. He and many other Leaders
before him, in France and throughout Europe, were ripping off the United
States like never before. We were treated very unfairly with horrible
trade deals, and paying for a large portion of their defense. They were
taking advantage of the United States and therefore, of course, they
like Biden because now they will be allowed to return to their old ways
of ripping off our Country. If I were a leader of these countries, I too
would like Biden far better than President Trump. They will now get
very rich off the United States just like they have in the past until a
change is made. I am for AMERICA FIRST!
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