2021-06-24 00:05:12 |
2021-06-24 02:00:11
肯德尔是一个典型的粘液球辩护律师,迎合了政治偶像的要求。欢迎在军事法庭上处理问题! 早上好,肯德尔先生! 享受真理,面对我们的军事焦点!
他对渠道的不尊重是令人难以置信的! 要么他不知道军事法庭的意义,它的严重性和严肃性,要么像他之前的许多人一样,他认为他的撒旦式的322点击会拯救他们中的任何一个。
比尔并没有想要和他的 "灵魂伴侣 "离婚! 你认为她对他有什么企图?你认为他对她有什么?他希望人们相信他是被勒索的?然而,这绝对是他会理解的事情!这就是所谓的 "不可能"。
我也同意。这需要在他们将这些Covid Jabs送入整个人口之前抓紧时间,但我们可以在分享信息和鼓励人们觉醒方面尽自己的责任。
就像亚当一样! "上帝,你给我的这个女人,她让我吃了那个果子!" 就这样继续下去,不是吗?哈
在Molesta的审判中,恶魔面对的是一个从抽血中幸存下来的受害者,作为该主题的明确参考。我知道我们不可能了解所有的事情,但我希望我们至少可以得到经编辑的审判记录,编辑或省略美国国家安全的事项,他们有这么多的罪行,种族灭绝的罪行符合所有人的利益。 他们利用美国的名义所做的事情,声称代表人民,而人民从来不知道他们在代表他们做什么,不能被原谅。大屠杀,政权更迭,让怪物掌权,在联合国给他们一个席位....,他们真的伤害了整个世界。
两只老鼠在交谈,其中一只问:"你要打猫科动物疫苗吗?" 另一只老鼠说:"还不行。我会等人体试验结束后再决定。"
可伸缩的针头。有一些特殊的针头,他们用于公开被刺伤。液体会进入柱塞。相当棘手。我在一个短片中看到了其中的一个演示。很整齐,不会怀疑它只是一场表演。除此之外,一些名人被抓到打针,然后护士把注射器倒在了地上。不仅仅是喷了几滴,而是在他们认为没有人看的时候把整个东西都倒了。然后他们得到了covid vax证书,并与护士握手,因为他们现在受到了'保护'!"。
好的观点--自2020年12月以来,按美国城市和变体(Moderna/Pfizer)划分,Vax死亡的真正原因和持续时间是什么--VAERs数据库比Microsoft Access还糟糕。一些PCR测试的盒子里有一个空白的插页--这可能是判断Vax是否为安慰剂的方法?
我敢肯定,安慰剂是给DS、精英和他们的圈子的。分布开始于老年人或受损的人。特殊需求也是该针剂的首要对象。然后当然是 "黑人应该先得到它,否则就是种族歧视 "的废话。所有这些都转化为对这些类别的人的种族灭绝。😡
就像议程中的20-30,或者人们认为他们会提供治疗他们为掠夺土地而创造的疾病的方法? 不,他们会杀死病人。
是的! 军队不会乱来。法庭......短小精悍--而且直奔主题。
法庭的 "大满贯 "指控......这就是真正需要的东西。
他应该为之负责的事情太多了! 滑头黄鼠狼威利--直到死亡--狡猾的操纵者。他掌握了像蛇一样的欺骗艺术;过去、现在和未来......如果事情花了太长时间。
...除了没有任何证据表明克林顿 "喜欢 "恋童癖,而且肾上腺素的作用并不像特朗普主义者声称的那样。没有人 "喜欢 "它。
如果我给你看一份被 "拘留 "的受害者名单(包括生日和处置日期),在许多设施中的一个被挤奶的AC,会怎么样?
首先,你需要证明这份名单是准确的,所有这些人实际上都被拘留了,然后你必须证明他们将被 "榨取 "AC。
实际上,我下面的帖子... 我从来不知道这些帖子是怎么排的,笑死我了!
该链接仍在等待批准。同时,在DuckDuckGo上复制/粘贴这个标题。GRAPHIC WARNING: FBI Interviews Alleged Boy Rape Victim of Bill Clinton; Chilling Details of Sex Assaults & Satanic Rituals on Yacht (Video)第一个结果是来自sgtreport(point)com。
此外,我找不到任何证据表明迈克尔-摩尔曾经是一名联邦调查局特工--相反,他是一名被联邦调查局逮捕后对其怀恨在心的记者。他经营/拥有True Pundit,该网站有非常长的亲特朗普和反克林顿故事的历史,他没有提供任何支持。
我想听听关于铀一交易的消息。那会使我们所有人都受到核打击。是的,真正的诚意,他们还有很多David icke、Rush、Bill cooper的behold a pale horse和其他成千上万的人所谈到的,需要倾倒在那个桌子上。
汉宁克副海军上将正在向他发起进攻!他的目标是什么?而 "它发生在30年前 "的事实是什么样的辩护?这是完全令人厌恶的!
国家安全局得到了一切! 真正的问题是谁在控制国家安全局!?
白痴律师,"30年前发生的事情 "意味着它仍然发生,再见了,滑头威利。加入希拉里的地狱之火。
PS. 肯德尔先生,你的衣柜里有什么骷髅?你会在某个时候坐上威利的位置吗?
我会说 "谋杀没有时效,肯德尔先生。你需要被提醒多少次,肯德尔先生?"
是的,查查爱泼斯坦的飞行记录,看看 "肯德尔 "的情况
如果有人感兴趣,今天的报纸Law and Crime (dotcom)报道如下。
JAG的典型策略似乎是从基础开始,然后问 "你需要听到更多吗?" 我认为他们正在确保获得定罪,这是最主要的事情。我不明白为什么这些人在军事法庭上要找平民律师。
今天早上6点,又有一架737-800飞机从NIS Jax和劳德代尔堡的班机上起飞。确实非常不寻常。更多信息请关注...
那将是一部很长的电影!! 但值得观看!
让我们希望,无论真相是什么,都将很快被揭开。我认为你的名字 "Truesincerity "是一个好名字,因为我们需要寻求真相。
祝你一切顺利! 🙂
在YouTube上搜索 "AI语音克隆"。我前段时间看了一个新闻报道,一个记者让人工智能像他一样说话,结果骗过了他自己的母亲。这是几年前的事了。而这只是他们允许我们知道的情况。我想把它连接起来,但这个网站对批准带有YouTube链接的帖子很慢。
但你不知道怎么做,也不知道谁知道怎么做。但如果需要支持阴谋论,你会相信 "DS "可以做到。莫名其妙。
如果有成百上千的假 "采访",我一点也不会感到惊讶。别忘了,主流媒体也是腐败的!!!。
是的,我今天早些时候发了这个帖子,但我的评论仍在被 "审查",不知道我是否能做到?
这是一个 "世纪审判",我们需要更多关于这一事件的各个方面的报道和细节。
如果公众还没有准备好接受这一切,那么为什么要通过这个网站把这些东西放在他们的腿上?你不是 "公众 "的一部分吗?
汉尼克副司令甚至有可能从未听说过这个网站。它相对较小,而且不显眼。而且这是一个WordPress博客,它并不完全是 "出版",就像他被写在大报纸或什么东西上。互联网上有大量的谣言和其他虚假信息,对于忙碌的高层人士来说,不值得他们花时间去追逐每一个互联网上的说法,不断地否认,如果你可以忽略它们。
但这正是你想要的,如果你要这样做的话。你指望他们把CNN送到关塔那摩去报道吗?大笑! 他们确实会去那里,但会报道关塔那摩的野生动物,而不是法庭的情况。
好吧,他们当然有S&M关系,他很可能是 "M "的一方,但也有人说他赌钱,赌他们的打击小组会在什么时候杀死以前的朋友。 比如他们在加拿大的两个药房亿万富翁,他们已经 "干了"。
它可能仍然是正式的冷门案件,但我以前读到过,他们与克林顿家族有关。如果我没记错的话,那篇文章说他们在制造HCQ,并与克林顿家族有 "商业联系"。他们的房子被出售了很长时间,最后被拆除了。一个新的房子建成了,并分配了一个新的公民地址。
是‼️‼️而且我渴望听到更多的消息! 我们已经
谢谢迈克尔的报告! 我们确实需要更多!
再次感谢你,迈克尔! 干得好! 请问有关于胡马-阿贝丁法庭的任何报道吗?我严重渴望听到关于她的案件的所有信息,即使不是在GITMO。请告知。
还有伊尔汗-奥马尔! 我们真的需要摆脱那个罪犯。
"......你在提30多年前的事情",如果汉宁克副司令回过头来说希拉里那句臭名昭著的话就好了...... "在这一点上,有什么区别吗?"
不,希拉里没有在椭圆形办公室里扔羊肉。那会很糟糕。🐏 对不起。提出的观点很好!
的确,因为法人政府实际上只是一个占领国,而不是主权国。有人把它称为占领军)。尽管如此,一支占领军的运作仍然与任何军队没有区别。因此,在这种情况下,下级士兵/军官要知道哪些命令是合法的,哪些是非法的,并被教导和约束不要服从非法的命令。在纽伦堡审判中,"我只是服从命令 "的借口被认为是不可接受的。许多德国军官使用了这个借口。所有使用这种借口的人都被吊死在绞刑架上。
称他的客户为 "软弱的人 "和 "软弱的丈夫 "是一个绝望的人的行为。他本应被当场解雇。但后来,我猜滑头威利毕竟是个软弱的人。从各方面来看,肯德尔似乎已经在游戏中失去了魔力。尽管WJC的律师可悲地尝试着演戏,但在肯德尔同意代表他恶心的、邪恶的客户之前,这个案子早就输了。我想我们都知道这将是一个怎样的结局!而且不会是一个好结局。而这不会是 "自由的威利"。
关于种族清洗的 "难以想象的罪行",那些科索沃的穆斯林正在破坏科索沃神圣的基督教雕像和纪念碑。 如果说有哪一群人应该被清洗,那就是穆斯林。 他们是最大的种族清洗者!克林顿基本上是被雇来帮助伊斯兰教接管世界的。
"即使是真的,我也没说是真的,你提的是30多年前的事情,是过时的材料。" 哇,这个肯德尔人在贝哈兹暴行的问题上听起来非常像基拉里。"在这一点上,这有什么区别?"
这一切真正独特的地方在于--WJC和HRC实际上有圣经中的前辈。亚哈王和耶洗别女王。请看乔纳森-卡恩的书《范式》。在书中,他对这两对夫妇进行了难以置信的比较。然而,他们的一个不同之处是耶洗别比亚哈活得更久,当他们的儿子成为国王时继续 "统治"。否则,这种比较是不真实的--但是,当你有上帝掌管时,没有什么应该让我们感到惊讶。
...你是他们的管家吗 ?????
特朗普总统是国家的现任总统。那个假装的假总统只是一个替身小丑,而特朗普任务的现阶段被处理掉了。他的 "回归"(他从未卸任,从未认输,甚至说他要离开一段时间)将被推出,我们现在看到的是几个假的叙述开始崩溃,如自然发生的covid-19,这是一个完美的选举,1月6日的叛乱,等等。视觉效果是非常重要的。
最高法院在1878年美国诉瑟克莫顿(U.S. v Throckmorton)的一个里程碑式的案件中裁定,"欺诈使一切无效"。
在任何美国法律或法院判决中,都没有规定 "当两个主要政党的候选人之一利用大规模的欺诈和犯罪行为窃取总统选举时,胜利者自动成为拥有最多选举人票的另一位总统提名人。"
终于......你明白了....(b).... WOW !!!!!!!......
除此之外,在亚马逊上快速浏览一下这本书,就会发现它是关于某人可以在选举中 "作弊 "的无数方法。毫无疑问,他们可以--无论是哪一方。美国有一个糟糕的选举制度,主要是由于任何一方都拒绝同意另一方想要做的任何事情来保证他们的安全。
最高法院在1878年美国诉瑟克莫顿(U.S. v Throckmorton)的一个里程碑式的案件中裁定,"欺诈会使一切无效"。
请阅读《窃取选举。约翰-基金写的 "选民欺诈如何威胁我们的民主"。这本书在亚马逊上有售。
好吧,Squinty......你是这样一个宪法学者,并要求我们向你引用文件中哪里说如果选举舞弊被证实,特朗普可以恢复原职。我的问题是......《宪法》中哪里说以欺诈方式当选的总统必须被弹劾才能被罢免。为什么要允许任何被安排在办公室的官员有任何欺诈行为,并允许他们留在那里。这包括副总统和任何一个政党的政治领导人在他们的一半国会中保持'权力'????。当一个欺诈性的选举说拜登获胜时,你不会弹劾一个'公民'。有很多关于欺诈的法律,我不打算在这里举出。拜登在选举时甚至没有担任任何职务,所以他简直就是一个公民,没有必要进行弹劾(2021年1月20日之后对特朗普也是如此),因为你有能力说特朗普的任期在那天结束。我等着你的回答,在宪法中哪里可以找到这一点,也为我们引证一下。现在去玩你的电脑,做一个搜索,如果你知道如何,你最喜欢的文件,看看你是否也能找到狗屎。现在,停止你那些 "告诉我在哪里 "或 "给我举出法律 "的蠢货回击。
要求人们出示他们声称存在的宪法章节,并没有什么 "蠢货"。这说明没有人能够做到这一点。
我提出宪法中的弹劾部分,因为许多人反复提到,只有两种方式可以罢免现任总统,即弹劾或第25条修正案,该修正案规定了在总统或副总统死亡、被免职、辞职或丧失能力的情况下替换总统或副总统的程序。宪法中也没有提到如何撤换以欺诈手段进入总统职位的人,因此,我认为 "反过来问你",要求你从你的研究中引用这一点是合法的。
宪法中没有任何内容说这可以发生。它说,特朗普的任期在1月20日结束。而且它说,解除拜登的唯一宪法途径是通过弹劾和第25修正案。如果大规模的欺诈阴谋被证实(不会被证实,因为它没有发生),但假设如果被证实,他将不得不通过弹劾被撤职。这意味着卡马拉-哈里斯成为总统。如果她也有罪并被免职,佩洛西议长将成为总统。如果她也有罪并被免职,那么帕特里克-莱希参议员将成为总统。总统的继承线有18个人,特朗普不在其中。宪法中没有规定说你可以让不在继承线上的人 "复职"。
但是,假设你能(举出一旦在总统选举中证明有足够的欺诈行为,就能使特朗普重新获得总统职位的法律)。要发生任何事情,特朗普和/或共和党必须收集足够的欺诈的无可辩驳的证据来推翻选举。到目前为止,他们还没有这样的证据或类似的证据,而且据我所知,他们没有做任何可能导致他们获得这种证据的事情(包括亚利桑那州的 "重新计票"。无论重新计票的结果如何,它都不会包含足以推翻选举的无可辩驳的欺诈证据,甚至不会推翻亚利桑那州的选举。你知道,如果/一旦结果是特朗普获得多数票,民主党人就会大喊冤枉,并引用之前对特朗普不利的四次计票结果。无论'审计'产生什么,都不会是无可辩驳的证据)。) 然后,他们将不得不提起诉讼(估计是直接向上议院提起诉讼)并获得听证。我不确定这将如何进行,因为之前有大约60个案件由于一些原因被驳回/未被审理/被认定为反对,其中包括上合法院的两(2)个案件。我不知道可以做什么或提出什么来动摇上合组织委员会对它的另一个案件的审理。
但假设他们确实(决定审理此案)。当然,会有争论,会有证据(正方和反方)和证人(正方和反方),而且会拖下去。上合组织委员会倾向于快速处理案件,但即便如此,它也不会在一个下午内审理此案并作出决定。或者一个星期。或者,我敢说,一个月。无论提供什么样的证据,大法官们都会去审查所有相关的法律--这当然是他们不希望在法律问题上出错的事情。最后,他们会宣布他们的决定。这可能是任何数量的决定。他们可以说 "不;欺诈的证据不足"。他们可以说'有足够的证据来命令在一些州进行(某种特殊的)审计/重新计票'。他们可以说这是被证实的,所以另一次总统选举被安排在<此处插入日期>(我不知道什么法律规定了这一点,如果有的话)。在此期间(直到举行新的总统选举、计票、重新计算所有选票、对重新计算所有选票进行审计、对重新计算所有选票的审计进行重新审查等等,因为你最好相信,无论选举结果如何,失败的一方都会大喊'欺诈'),现任总统职位仍然有效。或者他们可以说,现任总统职位被撤销,前任总统重新获得总统职位。最后一种情况是唯一能让特朗普在没有/在另一次选举之前重新坐上大位的情况。
现在,你认为这一切需要多长时间?请记住,"伟大的计划 "让特朗普在7月4日(或8月的某个时候)夺回总统职位。知道亚利桑那州的 "审计 "已经和正在花费多长时间(到目前为止两个月,尚未完成),知道至少有四(4)个其他州将不得不经历大致相同的过程,知道上海合作委员会将不得不考虑多长时间是否甚至看这个案子,然后他们将需要多长时间来听取它,然后作出判决。暂时忘了他们可能会下令进行另一次选举,这将需要数月和数月)你能诚实地看到特朗普可能在两个月内夺回总统职位吗?
特朗普仍然 "是 "总统。媒体选择通过采用好莱坞式的虚假场景设置,使其看起来像猥琐的拜登坐在白宫里。
https://www.bitchute.com/video/C34F2FA8EH4v/ 英国政府为大规模死亡事件制定计划,血液在 "疫苗 "之前/之后(照片) 2021年6月20日 在这段视频中,我们讨论了英国政府为准备大规模伤亡事件而发布的临时尸体储存服务合同。我们还讨论了尖峰蛋白的毒性,并展示了注射前后的血液照片。
罗纳德不是在胡说八道! StateoftheNation dot co (SOTN)6-17-21发布了一篇文章,其中有尼尔-弗格森写给几位博士的备忘录(可能被泄露)的证据。这是令人信服和震惊的! "尼尔-M-弗格森从伦敦帝国学院发出的新的4页备忘录,据称是给关键的Covid犯罪团伙同谋者的,其中写明了实施永久封锁英国的秘密计划"。我不会把那些当权者贯彻其病态和邪恶计划的事放在心上。人们可以推测,这份 "备忘录 "也纯属虚构。然而,我们已经积累了太多的证据,不应该否定罗纳德发布的信息或在SOTN网站上分享的佐证信息。只是说说而已!
美国最差的二流律师也不会说这种废话。"好吧,你当然知道我们,我的客户犯了大规模谋杀罪。那又怎样,那是很久以前的事了。你最近在他身上发现了什么罪行?" 美国的每个律师都知道,在法庭上说这些话会让他们的客户被处死。你们怎么会认为这种垃圾是真的,我不明白。
新闻快报:来自dark outpost.com的David Zublick声称,他正在出售希拉里和比尔在关塔那摩的法庭记录,他说这实际上发生在2018年12月。. 在最近的一个节目中,Zublick攻击这个网站利用他的记录稿来写RRN的文章。
是的,我看到了。你真的认为他知道 "成绩单的副本 "吗?我对此表示怀疑!
回复Ed Bob
答复:Coons Laura
我在Fema营地死于大麻过量。 奥巴马特别挑选了我的营地。
你遭受了某种可怕的过量服用是可以相信的。但给他一个机会,奥巴马会直接用M1 Abrams在你身上开车。
对Ed Bob的答复
回复 Ed Bob
回复:Sandy Koufax
回复 Sandy Koufax
各位,这到底是怎么回事?约翰-波德斯塔到底死了没有?McInerney将军在他的Telegram页面上发布了一段约翰-波德斯塔与CNN "现场 "交谈的视频,内容是希望拜登公布关于UFO的政府文件.....,但波德斯塔在短片中说话时从未提到拜登的名字。
最后由 Delta 编辑 20 小时前
我的意思是,当一个人出现在电视上现场谈论最近的事件时,这是一个相当可靠的迹象,表明他们没有死,没有在军事监狱。希拉里-克林顿也一样。亚当-希夫也一样。米利将军也一样。以此类推,不管迈克尔-巴克斯特写了多少篇 "一个匿名消息来源告诉我 "的文章,它都会不断发生。
回复 Zane
看看Stew Peters对johnheretohelp aka Dr. Jonathan McGreevey的采访--它在rumble viyjuz-exclusive-johnheretohelp-exposed-deep-state-covid-jan-6-vaccines-stolen-ele html上很有煽动力。
我一直看到这些内部备忘录的威廉-杰斐逊-克林顿得到了一个有点不同的(较轻的)判决,比其他人。我不知道为什么?美国曾经 "处死过一位前任总统吗?"
我曾就此事咨询过 "阿诺德-齐弗尔",他只想看电视上的假新闻。他不在乎是断头台、行刑队,还是电椅上的任何人。他们都不守犹太教规。
当然,他看起来就像那个老POS! 绝对不是克隆人/替身。请解释一下,迈克尔,还是你一直在耍我们,嗯?...🤔
回复Ed Walker
他们不愿意相信,或者说他们相信也无所谓,因为大多数不断回来的人只是为了打倒MB/RRN和这里的每个人,并试图让每个人都不相信,或者他们得到报酬来骚扰这个网站和人们,因此由CIA设立的 "知更鸟行动"。查一下吧,我查过了。
回复 Jorek
"在CNN报道之前,我不会相信它! CNN是真理的仲裁者!" <==说明了他的智力。
回复 Jorek
是的。绝对是在围观。没有人知道 "迈克-巴克斯特 "是谁。而且,为什么特朗普要向某个不知名的低调人士发布这个震惊世界的消息?这真的只是共产党控制的反对派吗?这些信息是抄自2018年发表的《黑暗前哨》记录吗? - 《黑暗前哨》的大卫-佐克说是。不幸的是,除了我们自己的两只眼睛之外,我们对任何地方的任何渠道的真相新闻都没有信心。
对Ed Bob的答复
如果我们在这里运用奥卡姆剃刀,我们在电视和其他公共场所看到的 "被处决 "的人只是活着,而RRN也不是什么大的阴谋诡计,它只是一个拥有WordPress博客的随机的人,他为卡农的信徒写虚构的类似剧本的文章,这些人急于得到这种东西来保持他们的卡农妄想。他为什么要这样做?这个网站确实有广告,而且他设立了一个gofundme,所以他从中赚了一些钱。但他也可能只是觉得写这些东西很有趣,所有愚蠢的对话都是亲特朗普的军人用尖锐的单口相声把哭泣的民主党人放在他们的位置上,等等。
回复Ed Bob
回复 JUdy
对Ed Bob的答复
Hum....,你是对的,我们不知道迈克尔-巴克斯特是谁,那么,我们怎么知道他是 "某个不知名的低调的人 "呢?也许扎克是从迈克尔的报告中得到他的信息?每个故事都有两面性?只是说说而已,没有说你是错的,也没有说你是对的。
我也试图这样做。在Disclose.TV Telegram上看到Crappy News Network与JPod的视频。和你一样,我吃了一惊。然而,我一直在研究人脸,并在过去几年里进行比较。我不是一个面部识别专家。也不在执法部门。然而,我确实有一双慧眼。有几件事引起了我的注意。如果有人花时间评估和比较JPod的脸,比如说从2017年到最近的相貌,你会看到一些明显但微妙的差异。比较眼眉、眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴、耳朵、牙齿、颧骨、脖子、发际线和面部尺寸。在比较的时候,人们需要保持中立。然后在仔细分析后,对这个人做出自己的判断。根据我所看到的,最近CNN视频中的人要么是最先进的CGI制造的,要么是一个近似的演员。还记得教皇的视频吗?在最近的这段视频中看到了一些故障,这让我感到怀疑,并认为这可能是一个高质量的CGI制作。说实话,一切皆有可能。
"我看到拜登1985年的照片,他现在看起来并不像那样!" 好吧,别开玩笑了。不是每个人都能像辛迪-克劳馥那样优雅地老去。
那些 "爱国者 "对妨碍计票的行为认罪了,笑死人了,继续相信这个网站上的胡言乱语吧
回复 Jorek
回复:Sue Grantham
回复Johnny Lunchbucket
回复Ed Bob
回复:Ed Bob
很好的反驳,Ed Bob。说得好。
回复 Ed Bob
回复 Ted
回复:Diana Barahona
Diana B, Sue Grantham在上面说:"此外,如果配偶同意,他们确实可以作证。他们可以选择不这样做,并受到法律的保护。"
Jim Buffer
哈哈哈! 你已经相信了你的邪恶主人的谎言。读读圣经吧--你的一方被打败了,被摧毁了--上帝赢了,人类赢了! 在《启示录》中提到了。稗子(邪恶的人)现在正在被清除,并将被烧毁(毁灭)。我们正在进入基督耶稣在地球上1000年的光荣统治,那里的公义像水一样倾泻下来。千万不要相信谎言之父,他里面没有真理。
巴兹-兹普瓦克(Buzzy Zipwak
讨厌说,但你们两个都是正确的。如果有的话,我们正处于大灾难的初期。那次 "枪击 "和随之而来的死亡可能是《启示录》中的瘟疫?
我相信这次 "大觉醒"(邪恶的暴露和逮捕)将带来一个世界政府/宗教、反基督和 "野兽的标记"。--------
Kendall is a typical slime ball defense lawyer catering to political idolatry. Welcome to addressing issues in a Military Tribunal! Good Morning Mr. Kendall! Enjoy truth and facing our military focus!
“Aren’t you a little old for courtroom theatrics, Mr. Kendall? These legal stunts may have worked for you in other venues—forty years ago (…)” Adm.Hannick immediatly put him in his place.
It´s unbelievable his disrespect towards the pannel! Either he is not aware of the meaning of military tribunals,it´s gravity and seriousness,OR like many before him,he thinks his satanic 322 click will save any of them.His surprise regarding the financial records was
Where did you get those records?
Bills friends aren’t all friends. Priceless….
It’s Epstein. He is the friend informant/snake in the grass/spy/working for intelligence the whole time.
Friday, Vice Adm. Hannink had to remind him of what the Insurrection Act is.
‘A little old for that’. Love it. Way too many dinosaur judges and attorneys of the deep state out there.
It’s scripted. “Enjoy the show”!
At some point Kendall needs to be asked what he knows about Christopher Sign’s death, the day before Clinton’s first trial was to start. Hopefully it will be at Kendall’s trial.
You think he will tell the truth now?
Never. But the white hats know everything ……
I’m guessing that will be brought up in today’s proceedings.
Arrogance goes deep. They believe it gets them away with murder.
It has – for years.
I’m glad he didn’t learn. Clinton should hang a lot sooner because of it. Imagine having a lawyer whose best shot at saving your hide is to blame your dead spouse for your crimes.
“Sorry, Judge, that my client murdered many innocent people and committed crimes against our country by having the military engage in an act of treason in exchange for money, but that quid pro quo was his wife’s fault, and besides, it happened many years ago”.
“Ok, counselor, we’ll give your client a warning this time and let him off for good behavior…unless we hear something more felonious in a few days”.
You wouldn´t believe how they used US Military as mercenaries in other nations, to die defending poppy fields and much worse.
Wow, like kamikaze pilots… insanity!
Slick Willie and Killary have killed many more then we know about, child sacrifices,,, we’ll see the list on judgement day…God doesn’t allow defense counsel…But I know Hillary was worse then Bill.
In memory of the Branch Davidians, I am hoping he is dispatched with a flame thrower.
Really? I don’t know the man, PERSONALLY, but he seemed grateful to be made aware that his name (and that of the law firm he is associated with) were being used on this site to prop up this CHARADE.
What a weak excuse, I can talk my husband into many things, being a murderer isn’t one of them. While Hillary was more of the evil party Bill never divorced her to separate himself from her. She probably had blackmailing info on him but still the man was president. Not a stupid man. Take responsibility and stop blaming Hillary. Glad she’s dead. Planned that right didn’t they!
Bill had NO DESIRE to divorce his ‘soul mate!’ You think SHE had something on HIM? WHAT do you think HE had on HER? And he expects people to believe he was being blackmailed? THAT is definitely something HE would understand, however!
Oh puh-leeze! Bill is no innocent nor picked upon person. He treats others with as much contempt as Hillary did. He is rotten to the core.
To me they are wasting time. Was not Bill Clinton into pedophilia and adrenochrome? What about the OKC bombing ? Can they move this along..before they vaccinated the entire population in a genocide depopulation disaster!?
Well there are a lot of crimes with the Clintons that need to be dealt with.
And I agree. This needs to hurry before they send these Covid Jabs into the whole population, but we can do our part in sharing information and encouraging people to wake up.
you should listen to the demon sperm doctor instead
I have to remind myself that God’s timing is perfect. I want it ALL revealed so the world gets a grasp on how wicked these people are. Hillary’s trial was just a small part of these crimes. Hoping every last crime is brought to light for Clinton’s and the rest of satin’s minions.
They’re trying to blame it ALL on Hillary, these weak men.
Just like Adam! “God, this woman YOU gave me, she made me eat of the fruit!” Just continues, doesn’t it? Ha
Great point!
What did he do with his first wife,again?
They don’t even need all the crimes to convict.
They dont have enough time to try everyone in custody for every crime but i dont believes that we get all info either just a breakdown.
Yes. MB doesn’t have the time to put a complete transcript of every trial on this site. We get the important highlights and the results.
Hopefully the adrenochrome and pedo crap comes up eventually.
No mention at hildabeast or podesta trial that we know of from reading here
Podesta executed June 1, article has been done
The CGI, body double, fake video, or Podesta looked fairly real yesterday as he was interviewed about releasing information on UFOs. Of course it could have been from years ago…….
Yes there was mention at the Podesta trial, he used adrenochrome to get his erections, right?
Viagra would have been a lot cheaper.
Yeah, I guess it failed him.
No, he used chemicals like viagra. He had a minor tied up, who he repeatedly raped and withdraw his blood. I hope he is feeling everything his victims felt as someone here in comments suggested, may he feel every bit of panic,anguish,terror,pain he had pleasure enforcing into his victims.I hope he gets it for eternity.
The report said Slick Willy turned him on to adrenochrome, costing around $425,000.
What I interpreted was he used Cialis to be always aroused molesting children and minors an he was introduced to the youth serum with Clinton.I might be reading it wrong,tough.
Now we know where our taxpayer dollars went.
During Molesta trial the demon was confronted with a victim who survived blood withdrawal as a clear ref. at that subject.I know we can´t be informed about everything but I hope we can at least have redacted transcripts of the trial redacting or ommiting matters of US National Security, they have so many crimes,the genocidal crimes are in the interest of everyone.What they did using the name of United States, claiming to represent the people who never knew what they were doing in their behalf,can´t be forgiven.Massacres,regime changes placing monsters in power and giving them a seat in UN….They really harmed the whole world.
You can be sure, there are many other journalists assigned to various Tribunals. Also, everything will be recorded….transcripts, audio/visual…there will be pictures, sketches etc. EVERYTHING will be documented for human history… eventually be shown EVERYTHING.
Great. They could be prepping the Emergency Broadcast System alert with some of this material. It’s going to be rich.
Funny thing I saw Pedosta on CNN (Commie Nonsense Network) a few days ago. Horrible webcam type of camera quality, could have been a deep fake easily. Luckily the audio was muted. I laughed hard at seeing him, knowing hes already worm fodder. Everyone gave me funny looks though. They probably thought it was legit.
When you see celebs and politicians getting the jab I can tell u for 99.999999% sure they are not getting what they want to give us!!! Saline or something less no effect at all. A Nobel Prize Dr. said that we will see many death’s from the jab in the next 2-3 years.. The RNA DNA has been manipulated to cause a slow fatal outcome. I think that when this happens they will call it a new virus and offer new vaccine to kill even more. This is why Bill Gates and others are holding on to the formula so it won’t be analyzed and exposed that it is poison. This is Global Genocide with help of Obummer the Left and CCP maybe Soros and other elite billionaire families and Satanic groups. Just what the Bible said would happen .We must get right with God and help other to see by reading Gods word and knowing what is at hand .And using the power he has given us to overcome and defeat the enemy.
Two rats are conversing and one asks, “Are you going to take the covid vaccine?” The other rat says, “Not yet. I’ll wait for the human trials to finish before I decide.”
I bet the whites are getting the poison.
Retractable needles. There are some special needles they use for publicly getting jabbed. The fluid goes into the plunger. Pretty tricky. Got to see a demonstration of one of those in a clip. Pretty neat, wont ever suspect that its just a show. Besides that, some celebs have been caught with getting the shot and then the nurse emptied the syringe onto the floor. Not just squirting a few drops but emptying the whole thing when they thought nobody was looking. Then they get the covid vax certificate and shaking hands with the nurse as they are now ‘protected’!
Good point- What’s the true cause & time duration from stab to pronouncement of Vax death- by US city & variant (Moderna/Pfizer) since Dec 2020- VAERs database is worse than Microsoft Access. Some PCR tests have a blank insert in the box- could that be the way to tell whether the Vax is a placebo?
Placebos for the DS, elite, and their circles I’m sure. Distribution started with the elderly or compromised. Special needs were also at the top of the list for that shot. Then of course the “Black people should get it first otherwise it’s racist” crap. All of which translates to genocide of those categories of people. 😡
As in agenda 20-30,or did people thought they will offer the cure for the diseases they created for land grabs?No,they will KILL the patients.
I heard 60% placebos (saline) and 40% real ones. You cant have everyone drop deat from the first jab, that would be too obvious.
Lol as if 40% of the population suddenly dropping dead would be subtle? Real sneaky stuff here, no one would suspect a thing!
No, I watch them myself and post from what I’m seeing. Have 3 different means to track, including military. Wish I could attach pictures as more proof. The 737 is not cargo and is a passenger plane leased from United. I’m sure Monkey will have something confirming it later today. He’s a great guy, just too much time in between post for me…
Michael, will you have an article written how they arrested Bill? Was it before or after Hillary? And why did Clinton choose Kendall instead of a lawyer who understands Military Tribunals? He is just way out of his league here to be any asset to Slick Willie.
These are some of the questions I have while reading this article.
Thanks again and cheers!
You know what would be a great movie? It would be a movie about the capture of all these traitors. One right after another with the backdrop of the mission planning and the order from DJT. 📽
We’ll see Corney get bopped on the head, Shifty wetting his pants, foiled by the doppelgänger, fire fight at the Gates’, and throw in numerous others that we did not get the scoop around their arrests (Susan Rice, ), visit to the SCJ ACB, the apprehension of AOC & the rest of the Squad, etc. We’ll have Brennnan doing shots of undiluted, apple cider vinegar to maintain his scowl.
You know some of these captures are pure comic relief.
Dedicate the film to all those in uniform that went to fight these monsters, to those that paid the ultimate price in doing so, to the victims no longer with us, and to the survivors. 🇺🇸
A movie would be great, but I would rather see it done as a series. That way we could get more details!
I love it, a series!
That would be a long movie!! LOL But worth the watching!
Then the actors can start portraying these people and get honest pay from it. Some would require prosthetics while others masks or cgi. For those poor souls that actually look like the pariah traitors, perhaps they can get free plastic surgery to alter their look at tax payer expense.
And a murder is a murder is a murder!! Don’t believe there’s any time limit on murders…even for a sorry ass President
Great idea. Special recognition needs to be made in the movie to the two SEALs and others in Benghazi who tried so hard to save Ambassador Stevens.
I am aware. And i am aware of the technology that is available to fake a person being there when it’s an actor. If it’s an online interview they can take that easily.
I do take these stories with a grain of salt. I do ask Michael questions to see how he responds. Perhaps Podesta is still alive, but if it is just a zoom meeting, there is already technology to fake a person being there when they aren’t. The Deep State Media is not above having actors and crisis actors for their media to fool us. They have been doing so for decades and so far have never been held accountable.
Let us hope that the truth, whatever it may be, will be revealed soon. I think your name “Truesincerity” is a good name as we need to seek the truth.
All the best to you! 🙂
If all this isn’t true, our guy is one heck of a writer!!
…except that there is no way to fake a voice print, and if it hadn’t been Podesta’s voice, you can bet someone would have already posted evidence of that.
Yes they can now. They have an AI clone technology that just needs copies of previous things you said. And that’s just what we know.
Again I take this info with a grain of salt but the deep state can fake an interview especially if it’s online.
Do you have a link where I can read about this AI clone technology? I’ve not been able to find anything about it.
Use Duck-Duck-Go search engine.
Search on YouTube “AI voice cloning”. I watched a news story a while back on a journalist who has the AI talk like him and it fooled his own mother. This was a few years ago. And this is just what they allow us to know. I would link it but this website is slow to approving posts with YouTube links.
Combined that with Deep Fake technology and you can fool someone into thinking a person is there when they are not.
A recording can be spliced & whatever other technical terms there are out there but you’re not quite right. Many things can be faked & altered to accomplish what the DS wants.
But you have no idea how, and no idea of who does have an idea how. But if it’s needed to bolster the conspiracy theory, you’ll believe that the ‘DS’ can do it. Somehow.
I would not be surprised at all if there are hundreds of fake ‘interviews’! Don’t forget the mainstream media is corrupt as well!!!
🤣🤣 how old was the interview? You can do a search for Posdesta and aliens and see
One of many old footages recicled.They even did the whole Star Wars movie with her character, after the death of the actress performing Princess Leia (who died after declaring in public the same Isaac Kappy declared, Spielberg IS A PEOPHILE- and her mother died about a week after her)
I am curious though, if he was alerted to the existence of RRN, and he did put out a condemnation calling it all fake, would you even accept that Baxter is a fraud and leave? Because I get the feeling a lot of people here are so committed to the delusion that they would just shrug it off and say Hannick was lying, it’s all real and he just has to deny it because gag order/optics something something.
Just the page loads indicate that its a MASSIVE site indeed. You dont get those on a regular run off the mill wordpress blog
No, it’s a very small site. Views in the few thousand range, perhaps a hundred commenters.
But thats just how you want it if you were to do exactly that. Do you expect them to send CNN to Gitmo to report? LOL! They would actually go there but would report instead about the wildlife present on Gitmo instead of the tribunals.
If they want people to know then yes, they would invite every news agency in the world. If they don’t want people to know, why are they letting Mr Baxter write about it? You can’t have it both ways.
Well, they certainly had an S&M relationship, with him likely taking the ‘M’ side, but it’s also been said he gambled money on the exact time their hit squads would kill former friends. like the two Pharmacy billionaires in Canada that they had ‘wacked.’
Are you referring to the Shermans of Toronto? The Clintons had a hand in their deaths? Where did you hear of it? The crime is still a cold case.
It probably is still officially a cold case, but I have read before that they were connected to the Clintons. If I remember correctly, the article said they were manufacturing HCQ and had “business connections” with the Clintons. Their house was for sale for a long time and finally demolished. A new house was built and a new civic address assigned.
I read on this too. Always a coincidence and always Clinton’s involved. Sure just a coincidence.
Shermans were shipping pharmaceiticals to Haiti, and Clinton’s had all the cash for the humanitarian relief, which they were less than keen on parting with. There was also a doc in New York that was wacked about the same time who had been in Haiti looking for money from the Clinton fund to treat children who had broken limbs..
I read about a doctor who was arkancided because he was shocked to be forced to do unnecessary amputations and he confronted the clintons about the lack of resources they said existed.
Such a loving caring couple….
Sarcasm for those who didn’t get it.
I get it Lisa19. The irony is shocking:
Society’s once darling couple, held in the highest position of trust, now possibly rising up as prolific mass murderers. Yet no one saw a thing…
Lets just say hundereds known for seeing are not with us anymore,thousands if not millions will never have the chance to voice it….
Witnesses have been disposed of.
(forgive my ending the sentence with a preposition)
Like a football game pool?
What a complete subhuman Clinton is
Yep, to both vera and Sue. Some 8Chan anons had a photo of the couple hanging in their own swimming pool, and said the hit men video tape the killing while it was going on, and lots of DS people, including Bill were allegedly placing bets on the exact time of death.
So, yeah, they considered their murders ‘entertaining.’ They also said these bets happened much more once.
The Bible says; God is not mocked, every man reaps what he has sown. That includes all of us, evil, or good.
Whatever possessed him to hire lawyer who represented him when he was impeached? Sounds so weird to me.
He wasn’t convicted though
Hack writing. Obviously he would hire a lawyer who know military law if he was facing a military trial. Especially after his wife was murdered by tribunal just a month ago. Like he knows he’s facing death and he just calls up the same guy from his impeachment trial 20 years ago and tells him to wing it?
Keep up the great work Michael. These stories are our daily dose of sweet justice. Please let your sources know that we want to read everything and anything happening at GITMO related to government treason and tribunals.
YES‼️‼️ And I’m longing to hear more! We have
waited and prayed for so long to see justice done‼️
I am so thankful, but eagerly await more info!
Thanks Michael for your reports! We do need more!
Wow!. Admiral Hannink is a most impressive man. Mass respect for the Navy’s Judge Advocate General Corp. I just hope I never find myself on the wrong side of things and left to their mercy…
Well if you do, tinydruid, you’ll know what lawyers NOT to use LOL But, let’s all just hope you or any of us never have to go there.
Thank you again, Michael! Great job! Is there any reporting on Huma Abedin’s tribunal yet, please? I’m seriously desiring to hear EVERYTHING on her case, even if it wasn’t at GITMO. Please advise.
Xena: Yes, I am interested in hearing Abedin’s tribunal as well. Hopefully soon!
And Ilhan Omar! We seriously need to get rid of that criminal.
You’re missing my point. If you’re facing a trial and you know your chances are very bad, it is still the most basic common sense in the world that to have even a tiny shot at acquittal, you need a lawyer who understands court procedures enough to assemble a defense. It is just not believable that he would pick a guy who knows absolutely nothing about basic military court procedure and tell him to just wing it.
Depends on who he can implicate and what evidence he can provide that was not previously known to the prosecutors. He’s already shown that he’s willing to implicate Hillary. I would think Clinton is in mortal danger because of what he knows and may not survive the trial.
Which, again, misses Zane’s point. Why would Clinton not use a lawyer who knows the procedures of the court? It’s not at all believable that he would pick someone to whom they are unknown.
“Even if true, and I’m not saying it is, you’re bringing up things that happened over 30 years ago, dated material.” Wow, this Kendall person sounds an awful lot like Killary on the subject of the Behghazi atrocity: “What difference at this point does it make?”
This is getting good. It seems Clinton is sitting off to the side and his attorney and the vice-admiral are the main characters in this show. I can agree to some degree that most likely WJC was the puppet and HRC was pulling the strings.
What is really unique about all this – WJC and HRC actually have biblical predecessors . . . King Ahab & Queen Jezebel. Check out Jonathan Cahn’s book The Paradigm. In it, he offers an incredible comparison of these two couples. One way they differ, however, is Jezebel outlived Ahab and continued to ‘rule’ when their son became king. Otherwise, the comparison is unreal – but then when you have God in charge, nothing should surprise us.
If either Justices Barrett or Roberts had Epstein involved with their kids’ adoptions, and Epstein has info on kids he trafficked (one photo has him with a little boy on his lap on the plane) then we need to hear every word and see every bit of evidence he has on them. Please check this out, Michael. Those USSS BHO holdover traitors need to go to Leavenworth for letting go of that Kraken on 01/06/21!!
Bill Clinton has an excellent foundation for an insanity defense. After all, he married Hillary and stayed married to her ’till death do them part.
I do not believe that the president of the U.S. would have been manipulated by Hill. He knew what he was doing.
He was a politician. Bought and paid for like so many others. The Hillary defense is a joke.
Yes he knew what he was doing. But “he was a weak man” and Hellary was an evil, narcissistic, sick Beotch! 🤣🤣
Kendall should watch it. He may be hauled in front of the Tribunal. I think he lied to the court about Hillary’s threat to divorce Bill, etc…. Any proof of that call?
from my research a few years back…they were the ultimate dysfunctional couple and quite comfortable in their roles and pursuit of power….
Bill and Hillary hadn’t lived together for YEARS.
..are you their housekeeper ?????
So may I be so bold as to inquire when day 3 will be posted? Inquiring minds want to
Probably tomorrow.
I so much agree, Stories seem to be lagging.
too bad, qudy
Continue to clean the swamp. Trump will be reinstated as President
No, he won’t. There is no legal basis in the US for such a thing to happen. If he becomes President again it will be either (a) in 2025 after the 2024 Presidential election or (b) as a result of a military takeover of the US.
President Trump is the nation’s current President. That pretendant bogus POTUS is merely a stand-in clown while the current stage of the Trump mission is taken care of. His “return” (he never left office, never conceded and even said he’d have to go away for a while) will be rolled out, which we are seeing now in the beginnings of the collapse of several fake narratives such as naturally-occuring covid-19, this was a perfect election, Jan. 6th insurrection, etc. Optics are very important.
Trump is not the President, man. He just isn’t, his term ended at noon on Jan 20th and there is no loophole in the Constitution that could have extended it. It doesn’t matter one bit that he never conceded, concession is just a tradition, it’s not formally part of the transfer of power. He went home, Biden was sworn in, and the whole world saw it. There is no secret cheat code to remain President for longer than your term.
Actually there is. If the US military and NSA have a full record of the crimes and treasonous election theft, then by very definition of their oaths to office, they have a sworn duty to overthrow, block, arrest and remove Biden, by force. Will they do it? Have they done it? Most righteous pray so.
What you’re describing is a military takeover. That’s not in the Constitution, it would be so counter to so many rules in the Constitution, that it would be the end of the Constitution if it happened. And it’s not what other people here are saying, they are under the belief that Trump is still legally the President under some kind of mystery Constitutional loophole that no one can clearly articulate.
‘Biden was sworn in, and the whole world saw it”.
That is true. In fact Spain saw it before anybody in the USA.
Lol, sure keep telling yourself there are mythical overseas servers in Spain or Germany or wherever, just chock full of fraudulent votes, and Trump will be whisked back into office any day now once they’re revealed. They don’t exist man.
Mytical?Look for General Mc.Inerny interview about servers in Germany
lmao dude got fired from fox for lying. you know how hard that has to be to get fired from fox for lying?
lmao @ servers in germany…satellites in italy. may as well throw in chutulu as well
The SUPREME COURT DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE ONLINE how many times do we need to repeat it?
General McInerney talks about baseless conspiracy theories all the time. So much that when he was a military analyst for Fox News, they fired him for spreading baseless conspiracies about John McCain live on air. Him talking about mythical overseas servers does not make them real. He has no evidence. He’s just repeating baseless conspiracy shit he read on the internet, just like all of you guys. He retired from the military like 20 years ago, his General title does not magically make everything he says real.
And Germany also saw the map all for President Trump until they cut the feed.
President Trump is the ex-President. Joe Biden has been sworn in and is the current President. Trump does not have to concede to cease being President; he ceased being President when Joe Biden was sworn in.
There is no way under US law in which Trump could still be President. No ‘fake’ narratives are collapsing; the election was not fraudulent, there was nothing fake about the Trumpites’ January 6 riot/insurrection.
Please read Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy written by John Fund. It’s available on Amazon.
go buy this book! it’ll tell you why this rando knows more than anyone!
should’ve told us to watch some random youtube video
Rather than pointing me to a book written by someone else, why do you not point me at the law (which most people on here claim exists) that allows/permits/legalises Trump taking back the Presidency.
Why is it that nobody can cite this law that they all agree exists?
The U.S. Constitution and federal law are clear about election fraud as are precedents set by the Supreme Court.
The SCOTUS ruled in a landmark case U.S. v Throckmorton, 1878, that “fraud vitiates everything.”
When wholesale fraud and criminality are used to steal the POTUS election by one of the two major party candidates, the victor automatically becomes the other presidential nominee with the greatest number of electoral votes.
There is a misunderstanding about the 270 electoral votes necessary to win. If a candidate’s campaign engages in voting fraud and/or election theft operation, they have automatically disqualified themselves from the race.
Joe Biden has already proven himself permanently ineligible to hold any office in the U.S. Federal Government by virtue of his admitted crimes and corruption.
Unfortunately it is not as clear as you’d like to think. You need to read the decision in US vs Throckmorton. It mentions the principal (not a law – just a legal principle) three times – in two of those times, it is saying when/how it does NOT apply.
There is nothing in any US law or court decision that states that “[w]hen wholesale fraud and criminality are used to steal the POTUS election by one of the two major party candidates, the victor automatically becomes the other presidential nominee with the greatest number of electoral votes.”
There is also nothing in any US law or court decision that states that “[i]f a candidate’s campaign engages in voting fraud and/or election theft operation, they have automatically disqualified themselves from the race.”
No, Joe Biden has not proven himself permanently ineligible; the proof is the fact that he has held and continues to hold office in the US Federal Government. If you want to claim that he has proven himself ineligible, you need to cite the law that makes him ineligible and the proven offences that satisfy that law.
Nah, the election was not stolen. What about the semis full of fake ballots for Biden they had to roll in then?
They are non-existent.
Finally ..you get it ….(b)…. WOW !!!!!!!……
Umm…no. I’ve been stating all along – which the Trumpites on here have been denying – that since there is no legal way for him to do it, Trump could only take back the presidency by a military takeover, which would be followed by a military dictatorship. The death of the Constitution and of America. The birth of Trumpistan.
Please read Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy written by John Fund. It’s available on Amazon.
Will it answer any of the questions that nobody on here is able to?
Apart from that, a quick look at the book on Amazon shows that it’s about the myriad methods by which someone could ‘cheat’ on an election. And there’s no doubt that they could – either side. America has a terrible election system, largely caused by the refusal of either side to agree to anything the other side wants to do to secure them.
But the issue isn’t whether or how someone could cheat an election – it’s whether someone did in 2020. Since this book was published in 2008, it’s obviously not going to give the answer to that question.
And, of course, it won’t give the answer to the question of what law enables/legalises Trump taking back the Presidency – that law that almost everybody on here swears exists, but nobody can cite.
Will it answer any of the questions that nobody on here is able to?
The U.S. Constitution and federal law are clear about election fraud as are precedents set by the Supreme Court.
The SCOTUS ruled in a landmark case U.S. v Throckmorton, 1878, that “fraud vitiates everything.”
Already addressed above. No, neither the US Constitution nor federal law are clear about election fraud. I and others have been repeatedly asking for somebody – anybody – to cite the section of the Constitution or any law that applies. Not a single person has been able to do so.
No, the SCOTUS did not rule that. They observed that it is a general legal principle and gave two separate instances in which it does not apply. They would determine whether these circumstances fall into those or whether the general legal principle applies. Even if they determine that the general legal principle does apply, they have a number of options, only one of which is to reinstate Trump as President.
Per the Constitution, he can be reinstated.
False. Nothing in the Constitution states or allows that, and despite repeated requests, you have been completely unable to cite any section that does.
Please read Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy written by John Fund. It’s available on Amazon.
Addressed this above, twice. As discussed it won’t even address the questions I raise.
Ok, Squinty…you are such a Constitutional scholar and asking us to cite to you where in the document it states that Trump can be reinstated if a fraudulent election was proven. Here is my question back to you…WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION does it say that a fraudulently elected President has to be impeached to be removed. Why should any fraud be allowed for any of those officials that have been placed in office be allowed to remain there. That includes the VP and any political leader of either party remains in ‘power’ over their half of Congress???? You would not impeach a ‘citizen’ when a fraudulent election says Biden won. There are plenty of laws regarding fraud that I am not going to cite here. Biden was not even holding any office at that time of the election so he is literally a citizen and no impeachment would be necessary (as was the same with Trump after Jan 20th 2021) since you have the ability to say that Trump’s tenure ended that day. I’ll wait for your answer as to where to find this in the Constitution and cite it back for us as well. Now go play on your computer and do a search, if you know how, of your favorite document to see if you can find shit too. Now, stop with your dumbass comebacks of “show me where” or “cite me the law”.
Reply to Buddha
7 hours ago
Sorry, but trying to turn it around on me doesn’t work. It’s been repeatedly claimed that the Constitution states that Trump can be reinstated. Why has nobody been able to cite where in the Constitution it states that?
There’s nothing ‘dumbass’ in asking people to show the section of the Constitution that they claim exists. It’s indicative that nobody is able to do so.
Oh, and I’ve nowhere even mentioned impeachment, so I’ve no idea why you’re ranting about it.
Reply to Squinty
6 hours ago
But assuming they do (decide to hear the case). Of course, there would be arguments, and evidence (pro and con) and witnesses (pro and con) and it would drag on. The SCOTUS tends to go through cases pretty quickly, but even so, it’s not going to hear this case and hand down a decision in an afternoon. Or a week. Or, I daresay, a month. Whatever evidence is provided, the justices are going to go away and review every remotely relevant law there is – this is certainly something they would not want to get wrong on a point of law. Finally, they would hand down their decision. It could be any number of decisions. They could just say ‘nope; insufficient evidence of a fraud’. They could say ‘sufficient evidence to order (some special kind of) audit/recount in some number of states’. They could say it’s proven, so another Presidential election is scheduled for (I’ve no idea what law provides for this, if any does). In the meantime (until the holding of the new Presidential election, the counting of votes, the re-counting of all the votes, the audit of the re-count of all the votes, the re-examination of the audit of the recount of all the votes and so on, because you better believe that whatever the result of that election, the losing side would be screaming ‘FRAUD’ at the top of their lungs), the current Presidency stands. Or they could say that the current Presidency is revoked and the previous President re-takes the Presidency. That last is the only scenario that ends up with Trump back in the big chair without/before another election.
Now how long do you think all of that would take? Bear in mind that the ‘great plan’ has Trump taking back the Presidency on July 4 (or sometime in August). Knowing how long the Arizona ‘audit’ has taken and is taking (two months so far and not yet finished), knowing that there are at least four (4) other states which would have to go through much the same process, knowing how long the SCOTUS would have to consider whether or not to even look at the case then how long they would take to hear it and then render a verdict, (and forgetting, for the moment, the possibility that they’d order another election which would take months and months and months) can you honestly see Trump possibly taking back the Presidency within two months from now?
The above are among the reasons that I have repeatedly stated that there is no legal path for Trump to retake the Presidency in anything like the time frame claimed. If I were to estimate how long it would take for everything to be done, for the right evidence to be found, its presentation, and a verdict that puts Trump in the chair, the best possible scenario I could imagine would not see him there this year, or even by this time next year. And that’s assuming that the necessary law(s) exist (which nobody has been able to cite) and that everything breaks for Trump. It’s why I’ve said that the only way Trump becomes President before 2025 is via a military takeover – without reference to the law or to SCOTUS.
Apologies for length. Like Topsy, this post ‘just growed’.
There is no need to ‘overturn’ the election result since they were clearly in favor of President Trump.
No, they were not. The election result is that Joe Biden won.
Election results show Trump won 80M to 68M. A wider margin is expected as more fraudulent ballots are found.
Trump still ‘is’ President. The media opted to make it look like Creepy Biden is sitting in the White House by employing Hollywood type of fake scenery set ups.
Unsupported nonsense.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/C34F2FA8EH4v/ UK GOVT PLANS FOR MASS DEATH EVENT, BLOOD BEFORE/AFTER “VACCINE”(PHOTOS) June 20th, 2021 In this video we discuss a contract put out by the UK Govt for temporary body storage services in preparation of a mass casualty event(s). We also discuss the toxicity of the spike protein and show photos of blood before and after the shot.
I hope this doesn’t take place, that the UK Gov’s evil plans fall apart at the seams!
Of course it won’t take place – it’s complete fiction.
God is in control!
I saw something like a FEMA camp being built in UK right next door to a crematorium.
Ronald is not BS’ing! StateoftheNation dot co (SOTN) posted an article 6-17-21 with evidence of a (possibly leaked) memorandum written by Neil M Ferguson to several Dr’s. It’s compelling and shocking! “New 4-Page Memo Sent Out by Neil M. Ferguson from the Imperial College London Purportedly to Key Covid Crime Spree Co-Conspirators Spells Out Secret Plot to Effectuate the Permanent Lockdown of the UK”. I wouldn’t put it past those cucks in power to follow through with their sick and evil plans. One could surmise the “memorandum” is also pure fiction. However, we have amassed too much evidence and shouldn’t dismiss the information Ronald posted or corroborating information shared on SOTN website. Just say’n!
Yes that is true, and if you think that David Kendall, a high-end lawyer with nearly 50 years experience, doesn’t know that, then I have a bridge to sell you.
The worst two-bit lawyer in America wouldn’t say this crap. “OK sure you got us, my client committed mass murder. So what, that was a long time ago. What crimes do you got on him lately?” Every lawyer in America knows that saying this in court would get their client put to death. How you guys think this garbage is real is beyond me.
So why are you here then? Just to harass and belittle us?
Because I have a morbid fascination with dumb conspiracy theories, and especially the ones that are so dumb and so out there that they’re just beyond belief. RRN falls into the latter category, with all this clone/body double nonsense. I don’t expect I’ll change anyone’s mind, no matter what I say you guys will probably believe Trump is the Secret Invisible President of the Military for the next 10 years or more. But it is entertaining to poke the very obvious logical holes in these stories, and see the baffling excuses people come up with in order to tell themselves I’m wrong about plainly visible facts.
On that note, if you do have any excuses for why a prestigious lawyer with 50 years experience doesn’t know the common-knowledge basics of the statute of limitations, I’d love to hear em 👍
The whole point of releasing UFO information is a double black operation to explain how we obtained cloning technology. So much technology has been hidden from the patriots for so long that now they need to explain it. They will say it is recovered alien tech and we cut years off of the research when we found it. It is also a way to slowly get us to accept what has been going on in secret for years.
General McInerney – Telegram. 161K subscribers. 250 photos. 166 videos. 1 file. 158 links. Political commentator and a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the President of the United States and Secretary of Defense. Download Telegram. to view and join the conversation.
Reply to Delta
11 hours ago
I mean, when someone appears live on TV talking about recent events, that’s a pretty solid indication that they’re not dead and not in military prison. Same with Hillary Clinton. Same with Adam Schiff. Same with General Milley. And so on, it’ll just keep happening no matter how many “an anonymous source told me” articles Michael Baxter writes.
Reply to Zane
10 hours ago
don’t be rational zane
Reply to Bofa
10 hours ago
My apologies, what I meant so say is, OBVIOUSLY John Podesta is a clone. Or a CGI deep-fake. Or a body double. Or a clone of a CGI body double. It’s clones and body doubles and junk all the way down.
Reply to Zane
10 hours ago
You forgot the magical mask he’s wearing that means even his own mother couldn’t tell he’s not really Podesta.
He’s a mask-wearing clone of a CGI body double.
check out Stew Peters interview of johnheretohelp aka Dr. Jonathan McGreevey -it’s incendiary on rumble viyjuz-exclusive-johnheretohelp-exposed-deep-state-covid-jan-6-vaccines-stolen-ele html
Oliver Wendell Douglas
Oliver Wendell Douglas
2 hours ago
I keep seeing these internal memo’s William Jefferson Clinton getting a somewhat different ( lighter ) sentence than the others. I don’t know why? Has America ever “put to death a past President?”
However’ when Barack Obama goes on military trial “then the axe falls hard.”
I have consulted ‘Arnold Ziffle’ on this matter and he just wanted to watch fake news on television. He don’t care if it’s a guillotine, firing squad, or the electric chair with any of them. None of them’ keep Kosher.
“Hank Kimball” has professed; he is the real Joe Biden and that would explain tremendous difficulties in articulating anything tangible from our own Government.
Tried to comment on the Podesta article but couldnt as no more accepted.
Anyway, CNN just INTERVIEWED Podesta who is apparently asking Biden to release classified UFO information???
Sure as hell looked like the old POS! Definitely NOT a clone/body double. Please explain THAT one Michael, or have you just been shitting us this whole time, hmmm??? …🤔
How do you know it was not clone/body/double/CGI? Just because it looked real to you?
Reply to Ed Walker
1 day ago
Some people are too stupid to believe that doubles exist, and not just in movies. No matter how many times you prove it to them, such as with Biden, they either can’t see it, or they’re shills. Best to ignore them.
Reply to Hermitian
3 hours ago
They don’t want to believe or it doesn’t matter if they believe because most of the ones that keep coming back just to down MB/RRN and everyone here and to try and cause disbelief in everyone OR they are getting paid to harass this site and the people, Hence “Mockingbird Operation” set up by the CIA. Look it up, I did!
Reply to Jorek
1 day ago
What a coincidence… CNN is a fake news outlet.. keep up !!
Reply to DOug
1 day ago
“I won’t believe it until CNN reports it! CNN is the arbiter of truth!” <== Speaks volumes about his intelligence.
Reply to Jorek
1 day ago
There is a second part to that interview where he’s talking about QAnon conspiracies about him. I am not a fan of CNN but yes, it does look and sound like him.
I’ve been on the fence about these articles from the beginning of the Tribunal tales. I think I’m off the fence now.
Reply to Jayne
1 day ago
Yep. Definitely on the fence. Nobody knows who ‘Mike Baxter’ is. And why would Trump release this world shattering news to some unknown, low profile individual? Is this really just controlled opposition by the commies? Is the info copied from Dark Outpost transcripts published in 2018?! – David Zublick, from Dark Outpost says it is. Unfortunately, we have zero truth news confidence of any outlet anywhere, other than our own two eyes.
Reply to Ed Bob
1 day ago
The simple answer to the direction in which we go is simple; to whom is the military loyal? I cannot believe for one second that our eldery, old school generals are going to kowtow to the America hating, Marxist loving Obamas of the world.
We’ll find out fairly soon imo as this thing is moving at a very rapid pace.
Reply to Thinlou
9 hours ago
those “patriots” are pleading guilty to obstruction of the vote counting lmao. keep believing the drivel on this site
Reply to Thinlou
3 hours ago
I’m with you and that is each person’s prerogative, right or wrong it will be revealed.
Reply to Thomas
3 hours ago
True that everyone’s looks change with age or health issues, etc, but there have been very noticeable changes from one video to another that can not change naturally in the short time between those videos IMO
Reply to Jorek
1 day ago
Of all the crap going on today in our country and around the world why would Podesta be interested in UFOs? My guess is the deep state is setting up for their fake alien invasion.
Please review the UCMJ. The rules of military court procedures is different than civilian procedures. It is the duty of the attorney to familiarize himself, it’s not the military’s duty to insure his knowledge of the proceedings. He had plenty of time to prepare- however, since his client denies everything, he was stupid enough to believe him. The phone call between Bill and Killary was not played just it was noted they did speak- no violation. In addition, a spouse can indeed testify if they agree to. They can choose not to and be covered by the law.
Reply to Sue Grantham
15 hours ago
In civil law,if the defendant is not aware of the law and commits a crime he is still guilty of commiting a crime,not knowing the law is not an acceptable excuse.
Reply to Ted
1 day ago
Exactly how many military tribunals have you been privy to and how they are run, specifically, being completely different than regular federal and state trials?
Your objection is overruled!!
I rest my case and all of your evidence is throw out for not having a clue.
Reply to Johnny Lunchbucket
1 day ago
Reply to Ted
1 day ago
Good Lord, how many times do we have to respond to you government school educated, socialized, MSM brain washed dolts that a military tribunal has absolutely no relativity to a civilian court process. Weak fools like Commie Red Ted have watched so much TV programming Hollywood bs over the decades, they don’t understand harsh reality of the real actual combat-world that would be occurring in such an environment. Bottom line; military has biggest guns, so, they say you guilty and you dead, then you are shot at dawn. PERIOD. There is no quibbling, delaying, perversion of truth and justice – mom covered for the spoiled kids long enough in the civilian system, now dad comes home, sees through the bullshit and little Johnny (Bill in this case) gets the ass whoopin – no more arguing, no more lying, no more delaying, no more Jedi mind tricks or narcissistic results. SPANKING, HANGING, RIFLE SHOTS TO THE CHEST. Done. Finished. Meet your maker.
Reply to Ed Bob
1 day ago
and no legalese color of language to hide behind. I’ve noticed that the language of these tribunals are in plain, common English. Something our legal system needs to return to…
Reply to Ed Bob
1 day ago
Nice retort Ed Bob. Well put.
Reply to Ed Bob
1 day ago
communist, not socialist. or so i’m told
Reply to Ted
1 day ago
That is not true. The marital communications privilege allows a person to refuse to testify about a conversation with his spouse; however he can testify about the conversation if he wants to.
Reply to Diana Barahona
1 day ago
Diana B, Sue Grantham said above “In addition, a spouse can indeed testify if they agree to. They can choose not to and be covered by the law.”
Jim Buffer
1 day ago
As a sworn satanist, I can tell you that no one here is prepared for our plans. President Clinton will be freed. Death to America!
Reply to Jim Buffer
1 day ago
Hahaha! You’ve believed the lies of your evil master. Read the Bible – your side is defeated & destroyed – God wins & humanity wins! It’s in the book of Revelation. The tares (evil ones) are now being removed & will be burned (destroyed). We’re heading into the glorious 1000 yr reign of Christ Jesus on earth where righteousness rains down like water. Never believe the father of lies; there is no truth in him.
Buzzy Zipwak
Buzzy Zipwak
Reply to Dee
1 day ago
Hate to say, but both of you are correct. If anything, we are in the very beginning of the Tribulation. The “shot” and the deaths that will follow could be the pestilence in the book of Revelations?
I think America is Babylon and will be destroyed (how many unborn babies have been offered to Baal in this country?).
I believe this “great awakening” (the exposure of evil and arrests) will bring about a one world gov/religion, the anti-christ and the “mark of the beast”.
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