川普总统:不能等到2022 必须现在立即解决拜登的问题 德州州长Greg Abbott:拜登逍遥法外必须被终止

发表: 2021-07-06 04:10:09 | 更新: 2021-07-06 05:38:21

川普总统:不能等到2022  必须现在立即解决拜登的问题  德州州长Greg Abbott:拜登逍遥法外必须被终止




Gov. Greg Abbott:肖恩,我可以补充一下吗?是的,珍妮特,这里发生的事情是对美利坚合众国社会结构的侵蚀,美利坚合众国是建立在法治之上的,而这个糟糕的政府正在做的事情是不执行法治。对于所有他们放进来的人来说,首先发生的事情就是。他们知道他们在违反法治的情况下逍遥法外,这将侵蚀美国的国土。这必须被制止。

My question is: President Trump, What long term damage and destruction will Biden's open borders agenda do to the country, and what is it costing the law abiding US taxpayers?

President Trump:
So it's a, you know, very fair question and I know you know that answer probably as well as everybody in this room. It's incalculable. How. Bad. This is where you have not hundreds of thousands, but millions of people storming into our country, some of them, as we discussed, are from prisons and their bad, and their murderers and all of the things that I said before. It is there's no way to judge that kind of damage. And you know, getting them out is A is an ordeal, and all sorts of things will happen. It's going to be very hard, but I will say this, it has to be stopped now. This can't go till 2022. They all say, oh, we're going to win Congress. This can't go. They have to do something immediately. People is storming up. You look at some of these caravans where they have 15 and 20 and 25,000 people and you don't know who's in those caravans and dotted in those caravans are some of the worst people on Earth, so it's a tremendous cost. And it's also monetarily a tremendous course. You're talking about trillions and trillions of dollars.

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