
发表: 2020-12-11 08:56:05 | 更新: 2021-03-20 23:59:21



翟东升(Di dongsheng)在题为“金融开放会引来华尔街之狼吗”的视频直播中,首先肯定了中共现在“搞不定特朗普政府”,同时踢爆了之前中共能够搞定美国政府的秘密,那就是在美国的权势核心圈有“老朋友”、“上边有人”。








曾铮调查后发现,翟东升提到的老太太应该叫威琳斯(Liliane Willens),确实与中共关系密切,中共党媒和孔子学院美国中心网站都曾介绍过她。





事实上,翟东升还露骨地暗示,中共与美国总统候选人拜登(Joe Biden)有交易。


川普总统曾揭露拜登家族涉嫌贪腐,指中共给了拜登儿子15亿美元。事实确实如此,大纪元稍早前的调查报导(详情参见大纪元报导)核实,2013年12月时任美国副总统拜登访问中国,与习近平会面,其子亨特.拜登(Hunter Biden)随同出访。



中共与拜登儿子的渤海华美(BHR)基金交易,还暴露出其他的“老朋友”,例如渤海华美基金中的美方机构Rosemont Seneca合伙公司。

Rosemont Seneca是由亨特.拜登、前国务卿克里(John Kerry)的继子克里斯托弗.海因茨(Christopher Heinz)和前国务卿克里的顾问德文.亚彻(Devon Archer)共同创办。欧巴马时期的前国务卿克里(John Kerry),显然也是中共的一位老朋友。


值得一提的是,即便是被卷入拜登儿子的腐败丑闻,克里(John Kerry)依然在2020年11月23日,被拜登预定为其内阁中的要员——“总统气候变化事务特使”。



拜登任命的美国驻联合国大使格林菲尔德(Linda Thomas-Greenfield),就来自于背景深厚的奥尔布莱赖石桥集团(Albright Stonebridge Group,简称ASG)。格林菲尔德同时也是拜登的国务院过渡审查小组负责人。

格林菲尔德是ASG的高级副总裁。ASG集团是一家战略咨询公司,主要业务之一是同中国做生意,ASG由克林顿时期国务卿奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Albright)和国安助理伯格(Samuel Berger)共同创立。


美媒“国家脉动”(National Pulse)2020年11月24日发文指,ASG集团等于中国共产党(CCP)。

除了格林菲尔德外,拜登还“任命”了ASG集团副总裁古哈(Sumona Guha)、ASG高级顾问雅各布森(Roberta S.Jacobson)、ASG高级顾问伊丽莎白.利特菲尔德(Elizabeth L.Littlefield),出任他的国务院过渡审查小组成员。

另外,拜登还“任命”了前副国务卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)担任他的国务卿。布林肯是欧巴马政府时期的副国务卿。美国国务院2019年公布的邮件记录显示,布林肯与拜登的儿子亨特关系密切。

布林肯不但与涉嫌遭中共收买的拜登家族有关联,同时他本人就来自背景可疑、且专长于打开中国市场的华盛顿战略咨询公司WestExec Advisors。该公司在其网站中介绍说,业务包括在“战略竞争时代管理和中国相关的风险”,为美国企业在中国市场的经营活动提供策略建议。

拜登提名的国防部长人选弗卢努瓦(Michèle Flournoy)和格林菲尔德都是WestExec公司的联合创始人。

拜登提名担任国家情报总监的海恩斯(Avril Haines)也曾在这家公司任职。还有拜登任命他的“白宫新闻发言人”詹.普萨基(Jen Psaki),也曾在WestExec公司工作。



另据“国家脉动”12月2日报导,CNN主播扎卡利亚(Fareed Zakaria)和拜登顾问萨默斯(Lawrence Summers),参加了11月20日中共高层主持的“读懂中国”跨国会议。萨默斯曾在克林顿总统时期担任美国财政部部长、在欧巴马总统时期担任白宫国家经济委员会主任。

此外,贝格鲁恩研究所(Berggruen Institute)的创始人尼古拉斯.贝格鲁恩(Nicholas Berggruen)也多次参加了“读懂中国”会议。该研究所与拜登的“完整过渡项目”有关。






2018年5月,王岐山在北京会见了一个由美国商界领袖及前任政界高官组成的代表团,其中包括前任美国财长保尔森(Henry Paulson)和高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)前总裁桑顿(John Thornton)等老朋友。


2018年9月,王岐山还曾邀请美国主要金融机构负责人赴京,参加“中美金融圆桌会议”,试图透过这些老朋友来影响川普政府。传受邀方包括黑石集团(Blackstone Group)、花旗集团(Citigroup)、高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)、摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)、摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)等高层。





1.美国第70任财政部长(克林顿政府)、美国外交关系委员会名誉联席主席罗伯特.鲁宾(Robert Rubin)。据陆媒报导,2020年11月12日,美国前财长鲁宾在中国发展高层论坛2020年会上表示,他希望中美之间能有更好的关系与合作。

2.美国第75任财政部长(欧巴马政府)、美国华平投资集团(Warburg Pincus)总裁盖特纳(Timothy Geithner)。华平集团于1994年进入中国,是来华最早的全球私募投资集团,对中国多个行业的130余家领先企业累计投资超过120亿美元。2014年3月,盖特纳正式加入华平投资集团,出任总裁。盖特纳在欧巴马政府时期,积极推行让中共更多参与国际事务的“类G7(七国集团)”战略。

3.全球最大对冲基金、美国桥水投资公司(Bridgewater Associates)创始人、董事长达里奥(Ray Dalio)。2020年10月,桥水基金创始人达里奥向《纽约时报》称赞中国经济的反弹比美国快,中国(中共)可能做得更好,“命运站在中国这边,而不是美国这边”。

4.美国彼得森国际经济研究所(Peterson Institute)所长亚当.波森(Adam Posen)。2020年6月,波森接受中共党媒新华社专访时,称赞中共政权应对新冠疫情以及中国经济的复苏。大量证据和医学界研究已经证明,新冠病毒(中共病毒,COVID-19)是由于中共蓄意瞒报才扩散全球,而且中共一直在封锁和掩盖中国真实的疫情数据。

5.美国哥伦比亚大学校级教授、诺贝尔经济学奖获得者、克林顿政府的总统经济顾问委员会主席斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)。2001年诺奖得主斯蒂格利茨近年来积极出席中共主办的各种经济论坛,并大力攻击川普总统,例如2020年8月在青岛中国财富论坛上抨击川普政府的防疫和经济政策。

6.彭博董事长高逸雅(Peter T.Grauer)。彭博(Bloomberg)是全球商业、金融信息和财经资讯的领先提供商,1995年彭博进入中国市场,近年来将中共发行的中国国债和政策性银行债券等正式纳入全球综合指数,进一步扩大了中共从海外资本市场吸金的通道。

7.美国哥伦比亚大学教授、联合国秘书长前特别顾问杰弗里.萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)。2019年,哥大教授萨克斯(Jeffrey Sachs)因抨击川普政府贸易战政策,以及声援受中共控制的华为公司,而备受争议。

除了上述嘉宾外,中共“外滩金融峰会”邀请来的老朋友还包括了,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)总裁、彼得森研究所多位研究员、国际金融协会总裁亚当斯(Timothy Adams)等众多美国政商和学界名流。


中共操纵美大选被曝光后 美方开掉的那些“老朋友”



除基辛格外,另一名被解雇的知名人物是与中共关系密切的奥尔布赖特石桥集团(Albright Stonebridge Group,ASG)主席、克林顿总统任期时的国务卿奥尔布赖特(Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright)。



中共另外一位老朋友黑石集团(Blackstone)主席施瓦茨曼(Stephen A.Schwarzman,中文名:苏世民),曾经多次安排中共代表与川普会面,但最后都遭遇失败。



In a recent live video, Dee Dongsheng, a senior policy advisor to the Chinese Communist Party and professor at Renmin University, exposed the core secrets of the Chinese Communist Party's infiltration of the United States, and incidentally implicated many "old friends" in the Communist Party's powerful inner circle in the United States.
In the video, Di Dongsheng said that he could not handle the Trump administration. (Di Dongsheng video screenshot)

In a live video titled "Will financial liberalization bring in the wolves of Wall Street", Di Dongsheng first affirmed that the Chinese Communist Party "can't handle the Trump administration", and at the same time revealed the secret of the Chinese Communist Party's ability to handle the U.S. government, which is that it has "old friends" and "people on the top" in the U.S. power core.

In the video, Di Dongsheng said that the Chinese Communist Party was able to handle the U.S. because it had old friends in the U.S. power inner circle. (Screenshot of Dixon's video)

Who is the old lady who gave Xi Jinping a hand?

In the video, Di Dongsheng cites an example of an old friend of the CCP, saying that when Xi Jinping visited the U.S. in 2015, his men were in charge of public opinion building and planned to hold a launch party for Xi's new book in an influential American bookstore. Dixon said he was unable to negotiate a venue, and then the CCP brought in "an old Jewish woman" to quickly fix the bookstore.

Writer Zeng Zheng investigated and verified that the website of Renmin University's website, which introduces Di Dongsheng, shows that when Xi Jinping visited the United States in 2015, the CCP's Foreign Ministry assigned Di Dongsheng and the State Council Information Office to arrange the launch of Xi's book.

The website of Renmin University has now removed the reference to Xi's book sale in 2015, but the content remains on Chinese search sites such as Baidu.

In other words, Di Dongsheng's statement in the video that an old woman helped Xi Jinping with the book sale should be true.
The page on Renmin University's website featuring Dixon shows that Dixon and the State Council Information Office were indeed responsible for arranging Xi's book sale when he visited the United States in 2015. (Screenshot from the website of Renmin University)

After investigating, Zeng Zheng found that the elderly woman mentioned by Di Dongsheng, presumably named Liliane Willens, was indeed close to the CCP and had been featured in the CCP media and on the Confucius Institute USA Center website.

However, Zeng Zheng was unable to verify whether Ms. Willens was once the Asian president of a prominent Wall Street financial institution. The Epoch Times reporter was also unable to verify whether Ms. Willings owns a quadrangle on Chang'an Street in Beijing, as Di Dongsheng claimed.

Dieselsheng Leaks on Heavyweight "Old Friend" Who Helped Biden's Son Start a Company

In the video, Dixon asserts that U.S. relations with the Chinese Communist Party will ease because "now that Biden is in power," Wall Street will be able to exert influence again.

As a senior policy advisor to the Chinese Communist Party, Dixon's video confirms, in no uncertain terms, that the Communist Party is in cahoots with the U.S. political establishment and that Biden is an "old friend" of the Communist Party.

In fact, Dixon also explicitly suggests that the CCP has a deal with presidential candidate Joe Biden.

In the video, Dixon said that President Trump had revealed that Biden's son runs fund companies around the world, "who helped him (Biden's son) build the fund companies," and that "there are deals in there.

President Trump has exposed the alleged corruption of the Biden family, saying that the Chinese Communist Party gave $1.5 billion to Biden's son. Indeed, an earlier Epoch Times investigative report (see Epoch Times report) verified that when then-Vice President Joe Biden visited China in December 2013 and met with Xi Jinping, his son, Hunter Biden, was involved in the corruption. Biden's son, Hunter Biden, accompanied him on the trip.

Ten days after that visit, the Chinese Communist Party set up a $1 billion starting private equity fund for Hunter, Bohai Huamei (BHR). Six months later, the size of the BHR fund has been revised upward from the originally planned $1 billion to $1.5 billion, with the Chinese Communist Party responsible for raising this capital.

This hint from Di Dongsheng confirms that U.S. presidential candidate Joe Biden is not only an "old friend" of the Chinese Communist Party, but also worth the $1.5 billion that the Chinese Communist Party gave to his son to start his fund.

The Chinese Communist Party's deal with Biden's son's Bohai-Huamei (BHR) fund also revealed other "old friends," such as Rosemont Seneca Partners, the U.S. arm of the Bohai-Huamei fund.

Rosemont Seneca is a partnership between Hunter Biden, former Secretary of State John Kerry, and the U.S. side of the Bohai Hua Mei Fund. Biden and Christopher Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry. The company was founded by Hunter Biden, Christopher Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, and Devon Archer, an advisor to former Secretary Kerry. The report was co-founded by Devon Archer, an adviser to former Secretary of State Kerry. John Kerry, the former Secretary of State under Obama, is also apparently an old friend of the Chinese Communist Party.

An "old friend" of the Chinese Communist Party on presidential candidate Joe Biden's team

It is worth noting that even after being embroiled in a corruption scandal involving Biden's son, John Kerry was booked by Biden on November 23, 2020, as a key member of his cabinet, the "Presidential Special Envoy for Climate Change.

As an "old friend" of the Chinese Communist Party, which members of Biden's team are also old friends of the Chinese Communist Party?
In the video, Dixon says that Biden is coming to power, implying that the CCP is old friends with Biden and the establishment. (Screenshot from the video)

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations appointed by Biden, comes from the Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG), which has a deep background. Greenfield also heads Biden's State Department transition review team.

Greenfield is a senior vice president of ASG, a strategic consulting firm with a focus on doing business with China, founded by Clinton-era Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and national security aide Samuel Berger.

ASG has a pro-Communist stance and has included many Chinese diplomats, such as Jin Ligang, chairman of ASG (Beijing), who served as a counselor in the Economic and Commercial Section of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. Dai Yunlou, a senior advisor to ASG, served as a counselor in the Economic and Commercial Section of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. from 2000 to 2010.

In a November 24, 2020 article, the U.S. media National Pulse said that the ASG group is equivalent to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

In addition to Greenfield, Biden also "appointed" ASG Group Vice President Sumona Guha, ASG Senior Advisor Roberta S. Jacobson, and ASG Senior Advisor Elizabeth L. Littlefield. Littlefield (Elizabeth L. Littlefield), as members of his State Department transition review team.

In addition, Biden also "appointed" former Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken to serve as his Secretary of State. Blinken was deputy secretary of state during the Obama administration. State Department email records released in 2019 show that Blinken had close ties to Biden's son, Hunter.

Blinken is not only associated with the Biden family, which is suspected of being bought by the Chinese Communist Party, but also comes from WestExec Advisors, a Washington-based strategy consulting firm with a dubious background and expertise in opening up the Chinese market. The firm's website describes its business as including "managing China-related risks in an era of strategic competition" and providing strategic advice to U.S. companies operating in the Chinese market.

Biden's nominee for defense secretary, Michèle Flournoy, and Greenfield are both co-founders of WestExec.

Biden's nominee for director of national intelligence, Avril Haines, also worked for the company. Biden also appointed his "White House Press Secretary" Jen Psaki, who was appointed to the post. (Jen Psaki), also worked at WestExec.

In addition to these key positions, several WestExec employees have joined Biden's team to assist him in coordinating the Defense Department, Treasury Department, Council of Economic Advisers and other agencies.

WestExec was founded in 2017 and is staffed mostly by members of the Obama administration. Biden's selection of numerous "cabinet members" from the company, which targets Communist China for business, has raised questions.

CNN anchor Fareed Zakaria and Biden adviser Lawrence Summers attended a Nov. 20 "Reading China" conference hosted by top Chinese Communist Party officials, according to a Dec. 2 report by National Pulse. "A cross-country conference. Summers served as U.S. Treasury Secretary under President Clinton and as Director of the White House National Economic Council under President Obama.

In addition, Nicholas Berggruen, founder of the Berggruen Institute, has been a member of the Chinese Communist Party's "Reading China" conference. Nicholas Berggruen, founder of the Berggruen Institute, has also participated in several Read China conferences. The Institute is associated with Biden's "Complete Transition Project.

The "old friends" Wang Qishan met with in the United States

In the video, Di Dongsheng reveals an open secret: many of the U.S. establishment and Wall Street elites are old friends of the Chinese Communist Party. In fact, the Chinese Communist Party believes so, and has used it to get through many difficult times.
In the video, Di Dongsheng says that the establishment and Wall Street are close and are old friends of the CCP. (Screenshot from the video)

Before Trump took office, Xi Jinping's right-hand man, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, was once seen as "the person in charge of U.S.-China relations. Wang Qishan, who became vice premier of finance and trade in 2008, has led many of the Communist Party's foreign trade negotiations and has dealt with many key financial officials in the United States, and has deep connections on Wall Street.

After President Trump took office, he launched a trade war to counter the CCP's economic aggression, which greatly impacted the CCP regime.

In May 2018, Wang Qishan met in Beijing with a delegation of U.S. business leaders and former top political officials, including old friends such as former U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and John Thornton, the former president of Goldman Sachs.

Since Goldman Sachs entered China in 1994, it has gained the trust of the Chinese Communist Party by befriending its top officials and has been given "super national treatment. Goldman Sachs, for example, was the first foreign financial institution to receive a QFII (Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor) license, and is about to become the first wholly foreign-owned brokerage firm approved by the Communist Party. Paulson also used to work at Goldman Sachs and has been friends with Wang Qishan for more than a decade.

In September 2018, Wang also invited the heads of major U.S. financial institutions to Beijing for a "U.S.-China Financial Roundtable" in an attempt to use these old friends to influence the Trump administration. The invitation was rumored to include executives from Blackstone Group, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and others.

These Wall Street conglomerates have profited handsomely from the series of preferential treatment they have received as a result of their ties to the Chinese Communist Party over the past few decades as they have developed the Chinese market. There is no doubt that these Wall Street elites have been old friends of the CCP for the past two decades or so.

In October 2020, the CCP hosted the 2nd Bund Financial Summit in Shanghai, where Wang Qishan made an appearance and once again met with old foreign friends of the CCP.
A partial list of guests attending the second Bund Financial Summit in October 2020. (Web screenshot)

According to the official website of the Bund Financial Summit (link to the Bund Financial Summit "Attendees" list), "old friends" from the U.S. attending the summit include many establishment politicians and Wall Street elites. Here is a list of some of these "old friends".

Robert Rubin, the 70th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (Clinton Administration) and Honorary Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. Robert Rubin. According to the mainland media, on November 12, 2020, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Rubin said at the China Development Forum 2020 that he hoped for better relations and cooperation between China and the United States.

2. Timothy Geithner, the 75th U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (Obama administration) and president of Warburg Pincus, a U.S. investment group. Timothy Geithner joined Warburg Pincus as President in March 2014. During the Obama administration, Geithner actively pursued a "G7-like" strategy to involve the Chinese Communist Party more in international affairs.

Ray Dalio, founder and chairman of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund, told the New York Times in October 2020 that China's economy is rebounding faster than the U.S. and that China (the Chinese Communist Party) could do better. "Fate is on China's side, not the U.S.'s."

4. Adam Posen, director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (Peterson Institute), said that China's economy is rebounding faster than the U.S., and that "fate is on China's side, not America's. In an interview with the Communist Party's Xinhua News Agency in June 2020, Posen praised the Communist regime's response to the new epidemic and China's economic recovery. A large body of evidence and medical research has proven that the New Coronavirus (CCP virus, COVID-19) spread globally due to deliberate underreporting by the CCP, and that the CCP has been blocking and covering up the true outbreak data in China.

Joseph Stiglitz, a varsity professor at Columbia University, Nobel laureate in economics, and chairman of the Clinton administration's Council of Economic Advisers, has been active in recent years at various CCP-sponsored economic forums and has vigorously attacked President Trump, for example at the China Fortune Forum in Qingdao in August 2020, where he attacked Trump's administration's prevention and economic policies.

6. Peter T. Grauer, Chairman of Bloomberg. Bloomberg, a leading provider of global business and financial information, entered the Chinese market in 1995 and in recent years has officially included Chinese government bonds and policy bank bonds issued by the Communist Party of China in its global composite index, further expanding the Communist Party's access to overseas capital markets.

Jeffrey Sachs, a professor at Columbia University and former special advisor to the UN Secretary General, said that the Chinese Communist Party has been a major player in the global capital market. In 2019, Columbia University professor Jeffrey Sachs was controversial for his criticism of the Trump administration's trade war policies and his solidarity with the Chinese Communist Party-controlled Huawei.

In addition to the above-mentioned guests, old friends invited to the "Bund Financial Summit" include the president of Goldman Sachs, several researchers from the Peterson Institute, the International Finance Association (IFA), and the president of the China National Bank (CNB).

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