川普总统誓言继续为选举诚信而战,并得到了民意支持。周一(12月14日),美国调查研究和战略服务公司“McLaughlin & Associates”公布的一项最新民调显示,大多数美国人希望,川普继续为改变华盛顿的腐败而战。

发表: 2020-12-17 07:25:10 | 更新: 2021-03-04 23:49:23

川普总统誓言继续为选举诚信而战,并得到了民意支持。周一(12月14日),美国调查研究和战略服务公司“McLaughlin & Associates”公布的一项最新民调显示,大多数美国人希望,川普继续为改变华盛顿的腐败而战。

【中国观察2020年12月16日讯】川普总统誓言继续为选举诚信而战,并得到了民意支持。周一(12月14日),美国调查研究和战略服务公司“McLaughlin & Associates”公布的一项最新民调显示,大多数美国人希望,川普继续为改变华盛顿的腐败而战。



美国基督教传教士富兰克林·格雷厄姆(Franklin Graham)周一表示,他对过去4年川普总统为支持生命和自由的美国人所做的一切表示感谢。





U.S. President Donald Trump. (SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)   

President Trump has vowed to continue his fight for electoral integrity, and he has the support of the public. A new poll released Monday (Dec. 14) by McLaughlin & Associates, a U.S. research and strategy firm, shows that most Americans want Trump to continue his fight to change the corruption in Washington.

The poll of 1,000 respondents conducted between Dec. 9 and 13 showed that 52 percent of respondents want Trump to continue to drain the "swamp" in Washington.

The survey also addressed the choice between "big government socialism" and "free market capitalism," with 58 percent choosing the latter and only 16 percent choosing the former. Similarly, when asked whether they favored smaller government with fewer utilities or the opposite of big government, small government clearly prevailed, attracting 48 percent support, while only 36 percent chose big government.

U.S. Christian missionary Franklin Graham expressed his gratitude Monday for all that President Trump has done for pro-life and pro-freedom Americans over the past four years.

Graham said on Facebook that people asked him if he was disappointed in the election, and he replied that he thanked God for giving America a president who has protected religious freedom and the lives of the unborn and given the country a strong economy for the past four years.

Graham went on to say he was grateful for a president who strengthened and supported the military, a president who rejected the "swamp" and corruption in Washington, a president who supported law and order and defended the police, and a president and vice president who recognized the importance of prayer.

Trump vowed to keep fighting even in the face of growing opposition and criticism.

"Huge influx of evidence of voter fraud, something our country has never seen before." Trump tweeted loudly Tuesday.

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