
发表: 2020-12-17 13:10:59 | 更新: 2021-03-05 05:39:28



外泄195万上海党员名单 曝光“610”成员









今年12月10日,美国国务院依法制裁了参与严重侵犯人权的17名外国现任和前任政府官员,其中包括迫害中国法轮功学员的厦门市公安局梧村派出所所长黄元雄(Huang Yuanxiong)。

美国国务卿蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)表示,中国厦门市公安局梧村派出所所长黄元雄参与严重侵犯人权行为。黄元雄尤其严重侵犯法轮功学员的信仰自由,他本人参与了对法轮功学员的拘留和审讯。根据美国的相关规定,黄及其配偶不得进入美国。















The list of evildoers is a database of evildoers who persecute Falun Gong, collected and organized by Minghui.org. (Minghui.org)   

The list of 1.95 million members of the Party in Shanghai, which has recently been leaked to the international media, has been unearthed with more and more secrets. The list not only reveals members of the CCP who have infiltrated various fields in the U.K., U.S., and Australia, but also reveals members of the CCP's "610" organization. These CCP members, who have committed numerous crimes, may face justice from the U.S. government and the international community.

Leaked List of 1.95 Million Shanghai Party Members Exposes "610" Members
From the leaked list of 1.95 million party members in Shanghai, the Epoch Times searched and compiled a list of party members in 610 offices at all levels in Shanghai. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, sensitive personal information has been omitted from the list. This is a screenshot of the list of party members in the 610 offices in Shanghai. (Epoch Times)

From the leaked list of 1.95 million party members in Shanghai, the Epoch Times has searched and compiled a list of party members in 610 offices at all levels in Shanghai. To protect personal privacy, sensitive personal information was omitted from the list images.

Shortly after news broke in July that the U.S. might sanction CCP members and their families, a list of 1.95 million CCP members in Shanghai began circulating on the Internet, and in fact, the list of CCP members was leaked to overseas online sites back in July 2016. In October of this year, the United States officially sanctioned CCP members and banned members of the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations from immigrating to the United States.

Recent in-depth searches of this database of CCP members by media outlets in Australia and the United Kingdom have uncovered a number of secrets about the CCP, such as CCP members lurking within the British diplomatic service, multinational banks, high-end pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions and defense manufacturers.

From this list, the Epoch Times reporter also found a partial list of members of the "610" office, a secret agency that the CCP has never dared to disclose.

From the list of 1.95 million members in Shanghai, the Epoch Times reporter searched for members in 57 of the 610 offices in Shanghai. Most of these members belong to the "610" office's branches in the five administrative districts of Shanghai, while more than a dozen others did not specify the area of their branch.

Given that Shanghai has 16 municipal districts, with 107 streets, 106 towns, and 2 townships under its jurisdiction, and that all CCP provinces, cities, counties, and even townships (towns) and street committees have set up "610" branches, the list of "610" members reveals that there is no one to whom they belong. Therefore, the party members in the "610" offices disclosed in this list are obviously only a small part of the "610" system in Shanghai.

U.S. Government May Sanction Members of Exposed "610" Criminal Organizations

On December 10, 2012, the U.S. State Department legally sanctioned 17 current and former foreign government officials for their involvement in serious human rights abuses, including Huang Yuanxiong, chief of the Wucun police station of the Xiamen Public Security Bureau, who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners in China.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Huang Yuanxiong, head of the Wucun police station of China's Xiamen Public Security Bureau, has been involved in serious human rights abuses. In particular, Huang Yuanxiong has committed serious violations of Falun Gong practitioners' freedom of belief, and has personally participated in the detention and interrogation of Falun Gong practitioners. Under relevant U.S. regulations, Huang and his spouse are barred from entering the United States.

The State Department announcement noted that sanctioning these officials underscores U.S. support for human rights and the advancement of accountability for those who commit serious human rights abuses.

On the eve of International Human Rights Day on December 10, Falun Gong practitioners in 29 Western countries submitted the latest batch of persecutors' lists to their governments, demanding that the villains and their families be legally barred from entering the country and even have their assets frozen.

The list was sent to 29 countries, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand in the Five Eyes Coalition; 18 countries in the European Union: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Ireland, Denmark, Finland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia; and six other countries: Japan, South Korea, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Mexico.

The latest list of persecutors includes Han Zheng, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee; Guo Shengkun, secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission; Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme Court; Liu Jinguo, deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection; and Fu Zhenghua, deputy director of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The other villains on the list are, as before, officials from various regions, industries and levels, including secretaries of political and legal committees at all levels, directors of "610" and local officials, heads of public security departments and bureaus, police officers of the national security brigade, court presidents and judges, and heads of prisons and reeducation-through-labor camps.

The United States was the first to pass the Global Magnitsky Act in 2016. On December 7, 2020, EU member states signed an agreement to establish a system similar to the U.S. Global Magnitsky Act to sanction human rights persecutors.

610 is the main criminal agency of the Chinese Communist Party

610 members have become one of the main targets of the U.S. and European governments for legal sanctions against human rights offenders.

A 2011 report by the Congressional and Executive Commission on China (CECC) found that the 610 office is an "extra-legal agency" that takes orders from the CCP's central government. According to the CECC report and U.S. think tank reports, the 610 Office has expanded from persecuting Falun Gong to persecuting various religious and qigong groups in China, with the goal of "imprisoning and reforming the minds of Chinese nationals," but However, the primary task of the "610" office is still to persecute Falun Gong.

On June 10, 1999, Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin ordered the establishment of "610," whose sole responsibility is to promote the persecution of Falun Gong throughout the country. The "610" offices are subordinate to the CCP's party committees (political and legal committees) at all levels.

The central "610" office is known as the "second central authority" after the CCP's Politburo Standing Committee, and at one time could mobilize the entire state apparatus and almost all social resources, using the public prosecutor, the judiciary, the military, the armed police, special services, diplomacy, education, propaganda, medical and other systems, to target Falun Gong. At one time, the CCP was able to mobilize the entire state apparatus and almost all social resources to persecute Falun Gong practitioners at the national level using various systems such as the public prosecutor, the judiciary, the military, the armed police, the secret service, foreign affairs, education, propaganda, and medical care. To conceal the persecution, the CCP renamed the central "610" office to the Central Prevention Office (Office of the Leading Group for the Prevention and Handling of Cult Issues) in 2000.

Although the central-level "Prevention Office" (610 Office) was abolished in March 2018, government documents obtained by Da Ji Yuan and public information on the Internet indicate that the 610 Office still exists at the provincial, municipal, and county levels below the central level, and continues to persecute people of faith, including Falun Gong practitioners, by abusing public funds.

As the specialized agency responsible for the persecution, the CCP's "610" offices directly deploy, implement, promote, and monitor the persecution. Many of the secret orders to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, such as "discredit, cut off financially, and destroy physically," "cremate directly without investigating the origin of the body," and "death is considered suicide," were issued through the 610 office. office.

According to documented death lists, at least 4,595 Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death in mainland China over the past 20 years under the "610" program. There is also evidence that the "610" system has directed the live organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners.

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