
发表: 2020-12-18 03:11:32 | 更新: 2021-03-05 07:24:13










根据英媒《星期日邮报》报导,这份195万名中共党员名单数据库,是由一名中国异议人士9月份透过加密的即时通讯应用Telegram 泄露给各国议会对华联盟(IPAC)。IPAC由全球150多名关注中国政府影响力和活动的议员所组成。





在设计国防或航太研发制造的领域,如欧洲空中巴士(Airbus)、美国波音(Boeing)、英国达利思(Thales)、劳斯莱斯(Rolls Royce),都雇用了数百名中共党员。




有外事专家警告,中共党员受雇于领事馆,有的长达16年,这可能是“国家支持的间谍集团 ”的一部分,而情报人员则表示这种做法违反协议,对这些国家的国家安全构成威胁。

英国资深政治家、保守党前领袖史密斯(Iain Duncan Smith)撰文说,这项调查证明中共党员已遍布全球,潜入了世界最重要的跨国公司、学术机构工作和外交单位。他呼吁英国政府立即采取行动,将中共在各地领事馆里的共产党员驱逐出去。



英国前外交官兼中国问题专家亨德森(Matthew Henderson)说,“我们正在与狼共舞,(中共)意在英美之间打入楔子,推翻民主并超越西方。”


A person with knowledge of the situation inside the Communist Party of China (CPC) said that CPC members are placed in overseas jobs and most of them have political assignments. Schematic diagram (Feng Li/Getty Images)   

In recent days, Western media have reported that many embassies, consulates, multinational companies and universities in China have been heavily infiltrated by the Chinese Communist Party, according to a list of 1.95 million Party members leaked from inside the Communist Party. A person with knowledge of the situation inside the Communist Party of China (CPC) said that most of the CPC members have been placed in overseas jobs and that most of them have political assignments.

A number of British and Australian media outlets recently reported that the personal data of 1.95 million Chinese Communist Party members had been leaked, and that some of the members on the list had infiltrated consulates, universities and major corporations in Western countries.

Free Asia reported that an anonymous Chinese employee who worked at the consulate general of a European country in Shanghai revealed that the 1.95 million CCP members, "most of them have political assignments."

The anonymous interviewee lived overseas. When she was a returnee and returned to Shanghai after her studies, she found a job as a scientific project researcher at a country's Consulate General in Shanghai through the Shanghai Foreign Agency Service Department (SFASD). After working at the Consulate General, she found out that some members of the Chinese Communist Party had been working there for many years.

She said she was not a member of the Party, and after she started working, the Shanghai Foreign Agency Service (SFASD) staff who originally introduced her to the job would still ask to meet with her regularly to care about her work. She would refuse to disclose them, citing "confidentiality requirements" in the work contract she signed with the Consulate General. But they continued to pry, and it was so annoying that she finally quit her job.

She said she questioned the Communist government's "desire to have Party members do intelligence work. Besides, the consulates are not fooled, and they have regular security checks on us.

China's 1.95 million party members infiltrate all areas overseas

According to The Australian 13, the CCP has infiltrated Australian, British and U.S. consulates in Shanghai, and even has branches in major corporations around the world. And official Chinese Communist Party agencies have been planting CCP members in Western embassies for at least five to 10 years.

According to the Mail on Sunday, the database of 1.95 million CCP members was leaked to the Inter-Parliamentary Coalition on China (IPAC) in September by a Chinese dissident via the encrypted instant messaging app Telegram, a group of more than 150 parliamentarians worldwide who are concerned about the influence and activities of the Chinese government.

After authenticating the material with the help of data security analyst Internet 2.0, IPAC passed the database to four global media organizations, including The Australian and The Mail on Sunday.

The media outlets disclosed that the list contained details of 1.95 million party members in Shanghai, including their names, positions, dates of birth and nationalities, and even addresses and phone numbers.

The list is allegedly divided into more than 79,000 party branches, including more than 600 CCP members among the staff of 19 branches of the British bank HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank in 2016; HSBC recently froze the bank account of exiled Hong Kong lawmaker Xu Zhifeng, and HSBC and other banks have issued statements condemning the protests by Hong Kong people.

Pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and AstraZeneca, which are involved in the development of CCP virus vaccines, have more than 100 Communist Party employees, and GlaxoSmithKline, the UK's largest drugmaker, employs several Communists who have access to some of the contacts, design and supply chain.

In the areas of design defense or aerospace development and manufacturing, such as Airbus (Europe), Boeing (U.S.), Thales (U.K.), and Rolls Royce, all employ hundreds of Communist Party members.

Cosco, the major Communist shipping company, has two branches in the UK, one of which is based at the Suffolk port of Felixstowe, which handles almost half of the UK's container trade.

There have also been many academics with Communist Party membership who have joined a number of British universities and have been involved in quite sensitive areas of research, including aerospace engineering and chemistry. There were also CCP members who worked at the British Consulate in Shanghai.

Joining the Communist Party is like joining the Mafia

Some foreign affairs experts have warned that Communist Party members employed at the consulate, some for as long as 16 years, may be part of a "state-sponsored espionage ring," which intelligence sources say violates protocol and poses a threat to the national security of those countries.

Iain Duncan Smith, a veteran British politician and former leader of the Conservative Party, wrote that the investigation proves that Communist Party members have spread across the globe, infiltrating the world's most important multinational corporations, academic institutions at work and diplomatic units. He calls on the British government to take immediate action to expel Communist Party members from Communist consulates around the world.

The article explains that joining the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is closer to joining the criminal syndicate of the New York Mafia. CCP members must have absolute allegiance to the CCP, must "keep the secrets of the Party," "fight for communism for the rest of their lives," be ready to "sacrifice everything for the Party," and must take an oath in front of their The article writes that the British mistook the Chinese Communist Party for a "secret" and "a lifetime of struggle for communism" and were ready to "sacrifice everything for the Party".

The article writes that Britain mistakenly believed that the Communist Party would open up its economy and that its investments would bring welcome growth, investment and prosperity to Britain and fantasize about a "golden age" between Britain and China.

Matthew Henderson, a former British diplomat and China expert, said, "We are dancing with the wolves and [the Chinese Communist Party] is intent on driving a wedge between the U.K. and the U.S. to overthrow democracy and overtake the West."

On Dec. 2, the Trump (Trump) administration introduced visa measures to restrict travel to the U.S. by CCP members, including shortening the validity of visas and limiting the number of entries, with visas for CCP members and their families being shortened from 10 years to one month.

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