
发表: 2020-12-18 04:03:25 | 更新: 2021-03-05 05:40:48
















The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee opens a hearing on Dec. 16 to discuss 2020 election security and election fraud as Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Democratic Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) argue. (Greg Nash-Pool/Getty Images)

On December 17, a report on the front page of the Communist Party's Xinhua News Agency website was prominent: "Foreign Ministry Refutes Claims of Chinese Influence in U.S. Election: Purely Non-Founded.

For some time now, the Chinese Communist Party media has been reporting hot and cold on the U.S. election, and its attitude toward Trump and Biden has been left and right. Of course, the top echelon of the Chinese Communist Party wants to bet on Biden, but it is not sure about the progress of the U.S. election. Naturally, because of its deep involvement in the U.S. election fraud, it is fully aware of the fact that Trump won the election and is worried that the truth will be difficult to cover up, and the U.S. Senate has just held a hearing on election fraud.

Under the direct instruction of the Communist Party's top management, the Communist Party's media has been generally cautious and has been trying to act as if it is not concerned, for fear of leaking the improper relationship with Biden and being implicated in the election fraud, which will lead to strong repercussions from the United States. However, Xinhua News Agency denied in a high profile manner that it had interfered in the U.S. election at this time, once again playing the "no silver in the silver here" story.

The core of this short report is one sentence: "China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and the claim that China influenced the U.S. election is purely unfounded." Those were the exact words of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin.

At a press conference at the Chinese Foreign Ministry on the same day, a Bloomberg reporter asked: Director of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe said a classified report on foreign influence on the U.S. election that was supposed to be submitted to Congress was not submitted on time. If the report does not adequately reflect the threat China poses to U.S. national security, Ratcliffe will allegedly refuse to sign it. What does the Foreign Ministry have to say about this?

The reporter's question should have been thought out, hoping to elicit some impromptu answers that would avoid the Chinese foreign ministry's scripted approach. As a result, Wang Wenbin did reveal his mouth without thinking.

Wang began by saying that "the U.S. Director of National Intelligence once claimed not long ago that China was the 'number one national security threat' to the United States" and that "China and the United States should cooperate, not confront each other. " before adding, "China has always adhered to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs. Claims that China influenced the U.S. election are purely unfounded."

The reporter's question did not directly mention the Chinese Communist Party's involvement in the U.S. election, but Wang Wenbin took the initiative to dispel the rumor, which was actually a major gaffe. This was not a pre-arranged question from the Chinese media, and Wang Wenbin did not prepare a script, so he blurted it out.

He even asked the U.S. to "cooperate," implying that the U.S. should not pursue the Chinese Communist Party's involvement in the U.S. election.

The Democratic Party and Biden's team are indeed "cooperative", as they are the beneficiaries of the US election fraud, and are trying to deny the fact that the election was fraudulent, so of course they will not pursue the Chinese Communist regime, as the US election fraud was originally an act of collusion between the US left and the Chinese Communist Party. The Democratic Party should also know that now that the Chinese Communist Party has caught such a huge leverage, there should be more leverage of power and money dealings and beauty and seduction beforehand, and they can only "cooperate" with the Chinese Communist Party.

The reporter's question inadvertently caught a big fish. Although Wang Wenbin made a slip of the tongue, as long as no one deliberately mentions it, it will also be mixed up. However, what is strange is that Xinhua News Agency has highlighted such a statement on purpose, which seems to be illogical on the surface, but in essence reflects the real concern of the top level of the CCP. Wang Wenbin's slip of the tongue is actually the result of repeated instructions from the CCP's top brass to categorically deny any involvement in the U.S. election at all times, which Wang Wenbin naturally took to heart, but this time he was just answering a question that was not the case.

The Trump administration's recent series of sanctions are actually a counter-attack against the CCP's involvement in the U.S. election and direct participation in election fraud, and have sparked a heated debate within the CCP, with Xi Jinping's authority being challenged once again. The U.S. counterattack is not over, and this is what the CCP's top brass is currently most worried about. The CCP cannot prevent more U.S. counterattacks, but the CCP top brass does not want to take responsibility for the blunders, let alone fall for interfering in the U.S. election. But such a panicked denial, which amounts to a high-profile statement using the CCP's party media, does reflect the inner panic of the CCP's top brass.

Those inside the CCP certainly know that such a move is actually an attempt to cover up a major failure at the top of the CCP to put all the blame on the U.S. for the continued deterioration of U.S.-China relations in order to foment nationalism, with the top of the CCP coming back to play the image of a tough leader to maintain its authority. Outside of China, no one should believe that the CCP had nothing to do with the U.S. election fraud and that the U.S. government already has the evidence.

Such a denial is actually a self-deprecation by the CCP top brass, rather than a pale and feeble defense, but rather one of the means to save themselves. The CCP top brass claims to cooperate with the U.S., but in essence is in deep confrontation; the CCP top brass wants to show that it can be on par with the U.S., but in reality is very afraid of the Trump administration. Wang Wenbin's slip of the tongue and the high-profile denials by the CCP's party media have leaked the bottom out of the CCP's top brass.

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