
发表: 2020-12-20 08:46:20 | 更新: 2021-03-05 07:29:31














A Chinese animal rescue center officials were exposed to eat "northeast tiger, lion meat". Schematic diagram. (pixabay)   

Recently, someone reported that the wildlife rescue center in Qinhuangdao, Hebei, has been raising and selling wild animals for profit for 20 years, in fact, it is simply an "official game market", and even senior officials personally eat Northeast tigers, mandarin ducks, giant swans and other key protected wild animals. The report said that "all birds and animals are not eaten, so it can be said that no wild animal is spared."

Comprehensive media reports, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation recently received a report that the Qinhuangdao Wildlife Rescue Center has been breeding, trafficking in national first- and second-class wild animals, illegal production of endangered wildlife specimens, and low prices from major zoos to buy the carcasses and hides of wild animals, made into specimens and sold at high prices, including lions, northeast tigers, orangutans and so on.

According to the whistleblower, in addition to animal carcasses, some animals are not yet dead, the rescue center staff sent to the taxidermy factory, killed into specimens, a deputy director of the rescue center will also be the northeast tiger tiger bones made into "tiger wine" for public sale.

The whistleblower also pointed out that the deputy director and another leader of the rescue center also personally eat rescued, raised wild animals, and even used to entertain other leaders, including northeast tigers, mandarin ducks, swans, lions are on the table, "birds and animals do not eat, so to speak, not to spare any one wild animal."

For whistleblowing, Qinhuangdao Wildlife Rescue Center staff denied all, said the "leaders sell tiger bone wine, eat tiger meat" situation is not clear, but certainly not eat. The staff of Qinhuangdao Forestry Bureau said that they have received a report, the public security organs are investigating the matter.

In this regard, Chinese netizens are angry, "Knowing the law, theft," "I really want to see the official response to this matter," "useless, another microblogging more than 2,000 retweets, search keywords have been unable to search", "you social welfare institutions how to rebuild people's trust in you".

Last March, the incident of Mudanjiang "Cao Garden" was exposed by the media. Not only was the owner of Cao Garden suspected of illegal logging of state-owned forests and illegal construction of private estates disclosed, but the "Cao Garden whistleblower" said that Cao Bo had also repeatedly bought tiger meat and bear paws for guests through illegal channels and illegally hid guns.

On March 26 last year, the cover news reporter talked to the "Cao Yuan whistleblower" who reported Cao Bo online. The whistleblower said, in addition to deforestation and illegal construction, "Cao Park" construction funds have a big problem, but also by secretly cutting down state-owned forests to sell the accumulation of ".

In addition, "Cao Bo also repeatedly through illegal channels to buy tiger meat and bear paws treats, bear paws to buy at least a hundred a year, Cao Bo also illegal possession of firearms".

"In 2007 and 2008, he ate or saw tiger meat at Cao Bo's private banquets many times.

"Cao Bo would not directly tell the guests that it was tiger meat, but he would say meaningfully that it was cat meat every time he introduced it, and the diner would understand." He said the tiger meat is very woody and the chef's practice is to cut it into skewers and then deep fry it.

In addition to tiger meat, "Cao Yuan whistleblower" also said that Cao Bo buys hundreds of bear paws every year to entertain guests, "these tiger meat and bear paws, he illegally smuggled into China."

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