
发表: 2020-12-20 22:42:11 | 更新: 2021-03-20 09:26:38














发改委的回应网友并不信服。网友评论说:“去年怎么没限?” “2018年不也说极寒天气吗?” “水力发电、光伏发电、核能发电去哪了?”






The NDRC's response was met with backlash from netizens, with some media claiming that the last time a massive power cut was imposed was 20 years ago. (WANG ZHAO/AFP via Getty Images)   

A few days ago, China's National Development and Reform Commission responded to the recent tight supply of electricity in Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang, listing three main reasons: First, the rapid recovery of industrial production is driving the growth of electricity consumption. The second is the extreme cold weather, further increasing the electricity load. Third, the limited capacity of external power and unit failure to increase the power supply difficulties. The NDRC's response was met with a backlash from netizens, with some media claiming that the last time a massive power cut was imposed was 20 years ago.

According to the "China New Economy" report, the "Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission on the launch of the province's 2020 peak season winter orderly power supply emergency notice", in the province's electricity load of more than 29 million kilowatts, to start the orderly power supply measures, and require power enterprises to obey the orderly power supply arrangements, shall not be production, economic efficiency and other reasons to refuse to implement.

In addition to public welfare, service-oriented places, all commercial complexes, entertainment and leisure venues, such as indoor temperature shall not be higher than 20 degrees Celsius. In addition to transportation hub facilities, medical and epidemic prevention places, all building facade lighting, commercial advertising screens and other power facilities, in the orderly use of electricity time are shut down, etc..

According to media reports, the staff of an industrial vehicle manufacturer in Hunan Province said that due to the lack of power supply during the day, they have adjusted the production time from December 16 to 9:00 pm to 5:00 am, and in principle, the office is not air-conditioned during the day.

The person in charge of an industrial park in central Hunan said that the enterprises in the park began to "limit electricity" from the end of last week, and electricity consumption dropped by 20% to 30% compared with the previous. By the end of the year, many enterprises are in full production, "power" for the enterprise's equipment operation, order delivery will have a certain impact.

Some cities are experiencing power outages in some areas, and many people are reporting inconveniences in their work and life. Employees have to climb 20 floors to work because of power outages in office buildings. Because of the power outage restaurants are closed, the company staff have no place to eat at lunchtime.

Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued a notice, from December 15, the daily morning and evening peak periods to implement interruptible load, and start the orderly use of electricity work, measures include pressure limit unreasonable demand for electricity, the implementation of street lights in isolation power supply, control of landscape lighting, lighting project power consumption.

According to the China New Economic Times, Zhejiang Province and a number of local municipalities issued a notice requiring the office area of the unit concerned to open air conditioning and other heating equipment only when the temperature drops below 3 degrees Celsius (including 3 degrees Celsius), and the set temperature shall not exceed 16 degrees Celsius. Some areas of the production of enterprises to limit electricity.

Yiwu in order to save electricity, some factories open a day off a day, an e-commerce practitioners said: "Now a lot of logistics and inventory is more difficult to deal with. The street lights underneath the subdivision are also closed, and all go home in the dark at night."

On December 16, Zhejiang Yiwu Library in the WeChat public number issued a text saying that, effective immediately, the main library and branches, reading bar immediately stop using heating air conditioning, and will be based on indoor brightness reasonable control of the number of lighting.

In addition, several media reports, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi and other places have also recently issued a notice, for the recent pressure on the power sector and power shortage and other issues to take related measures.

On December 17, China's National Development and Reform Commission responded to the "electricity shortage" reason, said, one is the rapid recovery of industrial production to pull the growth of electricity consumption. The second is the encounter of extremely cold weather, further increasing the electricity load. Third, the limited capacity of external power supply and unit failure increase the difficulties of power supply.

Development and Reform Commission's response to the netizens are not convinced. Netizens commented, "How come there was no limit last year?" "Doesn't 2018 also say extremely cold weather?" "Where did the hydropower, photovoltaic power generation and nuclear power generation go?"

Other netizens hit the nail on the head: "Snooze can't be stopped, revenue is seriously declining, expenditure costs are too high, and in the future, air-cooled cities will become normalized."

According to the 21st Century Business Herald, the last time the public remembered a massive "power cut" was nearly 20 years ago, when 12 provinces and autonomous regions in China issued a document calling for "power restrictions.

Many people are worried that the power cuts will spread to more areas, and some experts are urging people not to panic. The netizens disliked: "No need to panic because experts do not have power restrictions at home."

With the onset of the cold wave, netizens have said that because they are not allowed to turn on air conditioners and use heating equipment, "it's all about shaking to get warm at work."

Some netizens mocked, now cold or not cold are not their own say: "cold or not cold? You say cold on cold? ...... how warm, everything to the People's Daily notice shall prevail."

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