因为电力不足,中国浙江省日前下令小企业停产、路灯关闭,湖南省也出台限电措施。相关消息是,俄罗斯一家公司宣布或停止向中国供电,以及中共限购澳洲煤炭致使国内煤炭供应不足。 12月14日,浙江许多工厂收到当地政府紧急通知,要求从即日起至12月31日停止生产。

发表: 2020-12-21 04:34:24 | 更新: 2021-03-20 09:41:15

 因为电力不足,中国浙江省日前下令小企业停产、路灯关闭,湖南省也出台限电措施。相关消息是,俄罗斯一家公司宣布或停止向中国供电,以及中共限购澳洲煤炭致使国内煤炭供应不足。  12月14日,浙江许多工厂收到当地政府紧急通知,要求从即日起至12月31日停止生产。
















China's power supply is running low, with provinces like Zhejiang and Hunan limiting power. (Radio Free Asia)   

China's Zhejiang province recently ordered small businesses to shut down production and streetlights because of a power shortage, and Hunan province also introduced power restrictions. In related news, a Russian company announced that it may stop supplying electricity to China, as well as a shortage of domestic coal supplies due to the Communist Party's restrictions on buying Australian coal.

On Dec. 14, many factories in Zhejiang received an emergency notice from the local government to stop production from now until Dec. 31.

Zhejiang notice also said that from now until December 31, the office area of the provincial units concerned can only open air conditioning and other heating equipment when the temperature reaches 3 degrees and below, and the set temperature shall not exceed 16 ℃. At the same time, the provincial units concerned can turn on air conditioning and other heating equipment in the dining room, immediately after the meal is closed, and set the temperature not more than 18 degrees Celsius.

The video posted by netizens shows that the local government requires that all processing plants and small workshops, from now until December 31, all stop production. All signboard lights along the street stores are turned off, and street lights are said to be unlit, and high-powered appliances such as air conditioners and heaters are banned.

In addition, the Hunan Development and Reform Commission also issued an emergency notice to limit electricity, the daily power hours of 10:30-12:00, 16:30-20:30, and in the "orderly power hours" to close the province's urban landscape lighting, semi-closed street lights, the weekend to close the party and government offices power electricity.
Hunan Province, power restrictions notice. (Network pictures)

A netizen left a message saying that in some cities in Zhejiang and Hunan, the traffic lights were turned off at midnight.

The authorities' power restriction has caused the people to complain a lot. Southern China has no heating and relies mainly on hot air conditioners for winter heating.

None of the official notices have stated the reason for the power restrictions. Some netizens speculate that it may be because the Russian power company interRAO has restricted power supply to China this winter. Some netizens also believe that this consequence was caused by the authorities' restriction on the purchase of Australian coal, which led to a shortage of coal for power generation.

Recently, Russia's interRAO issued a statement saying that it may significantly reduce or completely stop supplying electricity to China in the fourth quarter of this year. The Chinese Communist Party imports electricity from Russia, mainly for industrial use in the eastern regions where electricity is relatively scarce.

In addition, the Chinese Communist Party stopped purchasing coal from Australia in the 4th quarter, resulting in a shortage of coal. In response, China held a coal procurement matchmaking meeting with Indonesia on Nov. 25, finalizing the purchase of nearly $1.5 billion worth of additional power coal from Indonesia next year in an attempt to bridge the demand gap.

However, Ms. Jiang, the head of the company, told Radio Free Asia that using Australian coal to generate electricity is more energy efficient, and if it is bought from Indonesia instead, it will produce much less electricity per ton.

Some netizens posted articles complaining about the authorities' move to restrict the purchase of Australian coal.
Chinese netizens criticize the authorities' move to restrict the purchase of Australian coal. (Web screenshot)

In addition to restricting the purchase of Australian coal, the Chinese Communist Party has also restricted the import of a variety of Australian agricultural products in retaliation for the country's call to trace the source of the Chinese Communist Party virus. According to Australian official estimates, the Chinese Communist Party's retaliation cost Australian farmers about AUD 330 million, but Chinese farmers are expected to lose up to AUD 3.6 billion, about 10 times more.

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