
发表: 2020-12-21 07:28:32 | 更新: 2021-03-20 23:52:52















目前正值南海、台海局势紧张之际,习近平不断放风备战打仗。示意图( Getty Images)



10月13日,习近平视察广东潮州海军陆战队时,再次强调备战打仗;11月25日,中央军委军事训练会议上,以及11月30日中共政治局会议上,习持续 强调聚焦聚力备战打仗。



图为美国印太司令部东北亚政策司司长迈克尔•斯派克上校(Michael Spake)正在夏威夷的史密斯营地,等待中共军队代表参加为期三天的视频对话会议。(美国印太司令部)


On Dec. 18, Xi Jinping awarded four more admirals with the rank of police. (Video screenshot)

As the Chinese Communist regime is caught in a more serious internal and external crisis, Xi Jinping appeared at the Bayi Building in Beijing on December 18 to confer four general ranks on police officers. But the modest ceremony appeared to be quite solemn. The video of the scene can be seen, Xi Jinping is full of sad face. This has led to public speculation.

[China Watch, Dec. 20, 2020] According to party media reports, the Central Military Commission held a ceremony to promote the rank of general to the rank of police in the afternoon of Dec. 18 at the Bayi Building in Beijing. Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission, presented a certificate of command to officers who were promoted to the rank of general.

After the ceremony, Xi Jinping and others pose for a photo with the officers and policemen promoted to the rank of general.
On Dec. 18, Xi Jinping awarded four more police ranks to the rank of general. (Video screenshot)

Commentator Yang Wei said in an article in the Epoch Times that Xi's smile was not visible in the video released by the party media, making the modest ranking ceremony seem rather solemn. Xi appears to have tried hard to put on a smile, but in the end failed to do so, instead showing more sadness.

However, party media reported that Xi also attended the Central Economic Work Conference that day, and that Xi was mainly speaking during the 14-minute video, most of the time with a smile on his face.

Why was Xi not smiling by the evening? Yang Wei analyzed that Xi's smile at the economic work conference was a staged gesture at a time when the Chinese Communist Party is experiencing a new round of internal and external troubles; perhaps he was too tired to smile during the daytime show, or perhaps he was deliberately playing serious, or perhaps he was worried again.

On July 29, Xi Jinping also personally promoted generals at the 81st building in Beijing, and the atmosphere at that time was also one of sadness and gloom. Xi Jinping is even more sad face, rare is, only rocket army political commissar Xu Zhongbo a person was awarded the rank of general.

Yang Wei analyzed that at that time, Xi Jinping took the opportunity to show military power, and this time it should be a similar situation.

The officer police officers promoted to the rank of general this time include: Guo Pu-colonel, political commissar of the Logistics and Security Department of the Military Commission; Zhang Xudong, commander of the Western War Zone; Li Wei, political commissar of the Strategic Support Force; and Wang Chunning, commander of the Armed Police Force.

Guo Pu-colonel, a native of Yao County, Shaanxi, was transferred to the political commissioner of the Central Military Commission's Logistics Security Department in December 2019. he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general only in July 2018 and to general in just over two years, and should be considered a beloved member of Xi Jinping.

Zhang Xudong, who was just transferred to the commander of the Western Theater and served as deputy commander-in-chief of the Tiananmen parade on Oct. 1 last year, was also promoted to the rank of lieutenant general only in July 2018. It should also be Xi Jinping's heartthrob who was promoted by breaking ranks.

Li Wei was just transferred to the political committee of the Strategic Support Force and promoted to lieutenant general in July 2016. He has now become a political member of one of the six major military services and was also promoted to general; Wang Chunning was just promoted to commander of the Armed Police Force and is now officially a general.

Yang Wei said that after Xi Jinping came to power, he brought the Armed Police under the military commission, naturally worried about committing a crime, but it always seemed to be a piece of mind. At a crucial moment in another round of infighting, Xi is using this as a way to demonstrate his military power. Military power is seen as a last resort as he tries to stop the party from questioning him and is eager to maintain his precarious power.
At a time of tensions in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, Xi Jinping has continued to make statements about preparing for war. Schematic diagram (Getty Images)

In addition, at a time when tensions are high in the South China Sea and Taiwan Strait, Xi Jinping has recently been releasing rumors of war preparations.

Some observers believe that Xi Jinping's promotion to general at this time is a sign that he is aware of the worsening crisis inside and outside the Communist regime, and that holding on to the "barrel of the gun" has become the last straw.

On Oct. 13, Xi Jinping inspected the Marine Corps in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, and again emphasized preparation for war; on Nov. 25, at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on military training, and on Nov. 30, at a meeting of the Communist Party's Political Bureau, Xi continued to emphasize focus on preparation for war.

According to Hu Ping, editor-in-chief emeritus of Beijing Spring, Xi's recent focus on the CCP's military is aimed at strengthening his personal power, and his personality is so big that he believes the only way to establish his position is to fight a war.

The Free Times quoted an analysis that Xi means to prepare for a war with the U.S. The opposing forces in both the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea are the U.S. Therefore, the various actions of the Chinese Communist Party military have the implication of a point of high and low with the U.S., which is now at the stage of shouting and scolding.
The photo shows Colonel Michael Spake, director of the Northeast Asia Policy Division of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, waiting for representatives of the Chinese Communist military to participate in a three-day video dialogue meeting at Camp Smith in Hawaii. (U.S. Indo-Pacific Command)

As recently as mid-December, the Chinese Communist Party military refused to participate in a normal communication meeting with the U.S. military, claiming that the U.S. military wanted to add topics to the meeting and therefore would not participate. This move is considered another major defeat for the CCP and amounts to an intensification of the U.S.-China military standoff.

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