
发表: 2020-12-21 20:05:23 | 更新: 2021-03-20 10:31:38












众叛亲离 内部力量试图瓦解中共





美国国家情报总监拉特克利夫(John Ratcliffe),12月3日在《华尔街日报》发表的评论文章指出,中共是对全球民主和自由的最大威胁。中共对全球在经济、军事和技术方面的影响渗透,每个国家和个人都难以置身事外。




Xi Jinping suspected of being caught in storm of infighting, party scolds "surrender faction"

A rare article in the Chinese Communist Party media recently attacked the "surrender faction" within the Party, believed to have been written at the behest of Xi Jinping, revealing that Xi's decisions are being seriously challenged. (Kevin Frayer/Getty Images)   

The Chinese Communist Party media recently issued a rare article attacking the "surrender faction" within the Party, claiming that "the cartilage disease of 'worshiping the U.S.' and 'kneeling to the U.S.' needs to be cured. ". The article, signed by "Xin Qiping," is believed to have been written at the behest of Xi Jinping. Some analysts believe that the Communist Party's top brass has been trying to cover up internal strife, but the article reveals that Xi Jinping's decisions are being seriously challenged and his prestige is greatly diminished, and Xi is suspected to be caught in a storm of internal strife.

Xi Jinping suspected to be under serious challenge

On December 16, the Chinese Communist Party's Xinhua website published a commentary article, "The Cartilage Disease of "Chongmei" and "Kneeling to America" Must be Cured! The article was signed by "Xin Qiping". It is reported that "Xin Siping" is a commentary byline of Xinhua's "Study in Progress" column "Seminar", which is also a direct channel for Xi Jinping's team to deliver information to the outside world.

According to current affairs commentator Yang Wei, the commentary, which addresses different voices within the CCP, was apparently written at the direct request of Xi Jinping. From the side, it reflects Xi's policy toward the United States, which has triggered a strong backlash within the CCP.

Recently, evidence of deep Chinese interference in the U.S. election has been coming to light, while the CCP has been striking out on all fronts, only to draw even more fierce backlash from the Trump administration. Recently, the Trump administration imposed sanctions on 14 vice-ranking Communist Party officials, banning them and their relatives from entering the U.S. and freezing their assets in the U.S. This is a fatal blow to the Communist Party's top inner circle.

Not only that, the Trump administration also announced on December 3 that it would cancel the 10-year visas for CCP members and their families to travel to the U.S. and limit them to a single entry for a single month. Moreover, the U.S. has explicitly prohibited CCP members from immigrating to the U.S.

The increase in U.S. sanctions against CCP members has led to complaints and dissatisfaction with Xi Jinping at the top of the Party. The CCP has recently held successive Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee meetings, but party media reports have not mentioned the U.S.-China relationship at all. Yang Wei believes it is likely that there is a heated debate within the CCP and therefore no coverage.

The CCP top brass has been trying hard to cover up the internal strife, but the party media has issued a rare public article scolding the "surrender faction" within the party, claiming that "for a period of time, some people have been spreading all sorts of arguments about 'honoring the U.S.' and 'kneeling to the U.S.'", which precisely confirms that some people within the party have indeed made such statements as "abandoning the U.S.-China confrontation", which has greatly undermined Xi Jinping's prestige.

According to Yang Wei's analysis, the "some people" attacked by the party media are most likely to be at the level of the CCP's Politburo or Politburo Standing Committee, and not just one or two people.

At the same time, the article also mentioned that in the face of "big winds and big waves", as long as there is "confidence", there is no "hurdle" that cannot be overcome. Yang Wei said this indicates that Xi is trying to maintain the party's confidence in him, but inadvertently admits that the current "hurdle" is very likely to be impossible to overcome. This "hurdle" is precisely of Xi Jinping's own making, so that now some in the party are not only questioning it publicly again, but also taking advantage of it to make waves.

Rebellion and Internal Forces Trying to Dismantle the CCP

In addition, after Xi Jinping's big bet on Joe Biden and his involvement in the U.S. election were inadvertently exposed by CCP experts, information on another 1.95 million CCP members was suddenly leaked, shocking the world with the deep penetration of CCP members in various countries and industries around the world.

The Australian newspaper The Australian and the British newspaper Daily Mail reported on December 13 that a Chinese dissident leaked a database containing information on 1.95 million Chinese Communist Party members on the encrypted communications software Telegram in September to the Inter-Parliamentary Policy Alliance on China (IPAC), which follows the activities of the Chinese Communist government.

The information on these members included their names, birthdays, ID numbers, ethnicities, and party positions, and in some cases, addresses and phone numbers. The report said the major leak exposed some of the CCP members in Western societies such as Australia, Britain and the United States, while also revealing secrets about how the Communist Party operates under Xi Jinping's leadership.

The leaked list, which involves Chinese Communist Party intelligence work in countries around the world, is difficult to accept even for the Communist Party's friendly countries, said prominent commentator Paul Lin. The leaked list, which involves the Communist Party's intelligence work in countries around the world, would be unacceptable to even the Communist Party's friends, and would be the most damaging blow to Xi Jinping.

John Ratcliffe, the U.S. director of national intelligence, said in a December 3 opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that the CCP is the greatest threat to global democracy and freedom. The Chinese Communist Party has penetrated the world economically, militarily and technologically, and it is difficult for every country and individual to stay out of the way.

Apollo.com commentator Lin Feng analyzed that this leaked list of CCP members indicates that there are forces within the CCP that are cooperating with the U.S. to impose sanctions on party members and dismantle the CCP from within.

Since this year, there have been numerous incidents of people within the Chinese Communist Party system turning against the Party. Ren Zhiqiang, a second-generation Red Leader, criticized the CCP and Xi Jinping for their ineffectiveness in fighting the epidemic; Cai Xia, a retired professor at the CCP Party School and a second-generation Red Leader, said that the CCP is a "political zombie" and must be abandoned, and alluded to Xi Jinping as a CCP gangster; Hao Haidong, a famous Chinese soccer player, and his wife publicly read out a "Declaration of Extermination of the CCP "The former member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Qinghai, Wang Ruiqin, has called for the removal of Xi Jinping in his real name.

A person in the Chinese Communist Party system, who did not want to be named, revealed that many of the second generation of Reds support Trump because only the United States under Trump can restrain the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party media suddenly openly attacked the internal "surrender faction" to the United States at this time, releasing a signal of intense infighting at the top of the Chinese Communist Party, and Xi Jinping is suspected to be caught in a storm of internal strife.

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