
发表: 2020-12-21 20:09:22 | 更新: 2021-03-20 09:26:58






波士顿大学(Boston University)数据显示,2008年至2019年,中共国家开发银行与中国进出口银行的对外放贷规模达4,620亿美元,仅略少于世界银行(World Bank)的4,670亿美元。








Hong Kong media: Xi Jinping's regret medicine, may have to eat for a long time

The "Belt and Road" project advocated by Xi Jinping is in deep debt crisis, the Hong Kong media said, which is the disaster of the Chinese Communist Party's foreign expansion. (Lintao Zhang/Pool/Getty Images)   

The "Belt and Road" project advocated by Xi Jinping is in deep debt crisis, the Hong Kong media commented that this is the disaster of the Chinese Communist Party's foreign expansion, if Xi does not daydream of "building a community of human destiny", U.S.-China relations will not deteriorate, the "Belt and Road" bad debt. If Xi had not pursued his daydream of "building a community of human destiny," U.S.-China relations would not have deteriorated and the "Belt and Road" bad debt could have been avoided. Now it seems that Xi's regret pill will have to be eaten for a long time.

The Chinese economy has been hit hard by the trade war and the Chinese virus epidemic, and the external "big money" has shrunk significantly. According to the Financial Times, the Communist Party's China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China have seen a precipitous decline in lending to the "Belt and Road". From a peak of $75 billion in 2016, it has fallen to just $4 billion in 2019.

The "Belt and Road" is turning into the first overseas debt crisis for the Chinese Communist Party, with at least 18 of the "Belt and Road" countries receiving loans from the Chinese Communist Party in debt negotiations with Beijing, involving tens of billions of dollars in debt.

The report said that the CCP must consider the sustainability of the Belt and Road debt, otherwise it will have to bear the risk of these infrastructure projects, and thus fall into economic difficulties.

According to Boston University, the Communist Party's China Development Bank and China Export-Import Bank will lend $462 billion from 2008 to 2019, just slightly less than the World Bank's $467 billion.

Hillman, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington think tank, said the Chinese Communist Party is in the wrong mode to expand its infrastructure abroad in order to expand its power.

He believes that Beijing is at the center of a debt crisis in developing markets if it is unable or unwilling to provide sufficient debt forgiveness to debtor countries.

Since Xi Jinping came to power, the Communist Party has promoted the "Belt and Road" project for foreign expansion. The "Belt and Road" is aimed at Europe, penetrating into Russia's neighboring regions, exporting capital and production capacity to developing countries in the third world, and luring small and medium-sized countries to cooperate with the CCP in the name of helping the infrastructure of the host countries, causing small and medium-sized countries participating in the "Belt and Road" to incur huge debts and be coerced by the CCP. They have been coerced by the Chinese Communist Party.

"The strategic intention behind the Belt and Road project is that if these countries cannot afford to pay their debts, they will have to provide natural resources or lease important ports to cover their debts. For example, Sri Lanka was forced to "lease" the deep-water port of Hambantota to the Chinese Communist Party for 99 years.

However, the Communist Party's "Belt and Road" spreading of money has also put itself in heavy debt. This year's outbreak of the CCP virus has hit the economies of many Belt and Road countries hard. Experts point out that once the debts of these countries become bad debts, the loss of the Chinese Communist Party's claims will be difficult to estimate.

According to an article in Hong Kong's Apple Daily, the Belt and Road is unsustainable, but the CCP has been unable to pull out of it. Small and medium-sized countries, seeing that the CCP's expansion is unsustainable, are happy to default on their debts, and the CCP has no choice but to swallow this bitter fruit.

The article points out that this is all the trouble caused by the CCP's foreign expansion. If Xi Jinping did not daydream of "building a community of human destiny," U.S.-China relations would not have deteriorated, and the "bad debt" of the Belt and Road could have been avoided. A single thought can cause endless harm, Xi's regret medicine, only to eat for a long time.

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