美国民主党总统候选人拜登之子亨特(Hunter Biden),和中国华信集团董事长叶简明之间的通讯爆光。在其2017年的通信中,亨特“代表整个拜登家族”向叶表示祝愿,并敦促叶迅速向其电汇1000万美元,以妥善资助和运营他们共同建立的合资企业。

发表: 2020-12-22 07:21:45 | 更新: 2021-03-07 09:33:13

美国民主党总统候选人拜登之子亨特(Hunter Biden),和中国华信集团董事长叶简明之间的通讯爆光。在其2017年的通信中,亨特“代表整个拜登家族”向叶表示祝愿,并敦促叶迅速向其电汇1000万美元,以妥善资助和运营他们共同建立的合资企业。

美国民主党总统候选人拜登之子亨特(Hunter Biden),和中国华信集团董事长叶简明之间的通讯爆光。在其2017年的通信中,亨特“代表整个拜登家族”向叶表示祝愿,并敦促叶迅速向其电汇1000万美元,以妥善资助和运营他们共同建立的合资企业。

【中国观察2020年12月21日讯】福克斯新闻(Foxnews)获得了亨特于2017年6月18日发给叶简明的助手赵润龙(Zhao Runlong,音译)的一封电子邮件。




亨特接着向叶介绍了最新情况,称他们已经“完成了与华信的合资公司——华鹰控股有限公司(SinoHawk Holdings)的成立”,并表示他“期待”将叶介绍给自己的生意伙伴托尼·博布林斯基(Tony Bobulinski)。


亨特说:“他是詹姆斯·吉利亚(James Gilliar)和拜登家族非常亲密的朋友,作为合作伙伴,他加入了我们的团队,专注于任务的执行实施。他在全球各地为一些全球最富有的家族投资。”

亨特还称,波布林斯基已向“董功文(Gongwen Dong)和臧经理(Zang,音译)发出了电汇1000万美元的注资请求。”臧经理显然是指中国华信金融前执行董事臧建军(Zang Jian Jun)。




2017年9月6日,亨特的生意伙伴詹姆斯·吉列尔(James Gilliar)给博布林斯基转发了一封叶简明给亨特的回信电子邮件,日期是2017年7月10日。





美国参议院国土安全委员会(Senate Homeland Security Committee)和参议院财政委员会(Senate Finance Committee)9月份发布的一份报告显示,叶简明、董公文和其他与亨特有商业往来的中国公民,都与中国共产党政府和中共军队有联系。




信息显示,从2017年6月25日到2017年7月中旬,这笔1000万美元的转账被推迟了数周。有几条短信显示,延迟的原因是由于签证问题造成的,其中包括一封由乔·拜登的弟弟吉姆·拜登(Jim Biden)发出的电子邮件,他参与了合资公司的工作。

吉姆(Jim Biden)似乎在2017年7月10日给博布林斯基的电子邮件中写道:“刚与Zaho[sp]通了电话,还在处理签证问题,他们仍然没有填写适当的书面材料,提交重新入境申请。还是希望得到我个人的建议。”


Biden family greets rich Chinese businessman, urges him to send $10 million quickly

Then-Vice President Joe Biden with his wife Jill Biden, and second son Hunter Biden and his wife Kathleen Biden on Aug. 29, 2009. (Jim Bourg-Pool/Getty Images)   

Correspondence between Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, and China Huaxin Group Chairman Ye Jianming has broken out. In his 2017 correspondence, Hunter wished Ye well "on behalf of the entire Biden family" and urged him to quickly wire $10 million to properly fund and operate the joint venture they established together.

Foxnews obtained an email sent by Hunt to Ye's aide Zhao Runlong on June 18, 2017.

Biden asked them to "translate my letter to Chairman Ye and please convey my best wishes, and I hope to see the chairman soon."

In his June 17, 2017 letter to Ye, Hunt said, "I hope all is well with you. I regret not seeing you on your last visit to the U.S. Please accept the best wishes from the entire Biden family and from my partners."

Hunter added, "We all hope to see you here, or in Shanghai, again soon."

Hunt went on to update Ye, saying they had "completed the formation of SinoHawk Holdings, a joint venture with Huaxin," and said he was "looking forward" to introducing Ye to his business partner, Tony Bobulinski.

Bobulinski, he wrote, would "serve as the CEO [of the joint venture].

He is a very close friend of James Gilliar and the Biden family and has joined our team as a partner to focus on mission execution," Hunter said. He has invested around the globe for some of the world's wealthiest families."

Hunter also said Bobrinsky had sent "a request for a $10 million capital injection by wire transfer to Gongwen Dong and Manager Zang." Manager Zang is apparently a reference to Zang Jian Jun, a former executive director of China Huaxin Financial.

Hunter wrote: "I would appreciate it if you could remit this money as soon as possible so that we can properly fund and operate Hua Ying Holdings Ltd."

He added, "I trust that our dear friend, Manager Zang, has given you detailed information about the political and economic relationships we have established in the countries where we intend to expand our business in the coming months and years." "I look forward to our next meeting."

Fox News also obtained an email response from Jane Yip.

On Sept. 6, 2017, James Gilliar, Hunt's business partner, forwarded Bobrinsky a reply email from Jane Yip to Hunt, dated July 10, 2017.

In his reply, Ye said he had arranged for Zang and Dong to "expedite the process of capital injection into China Eagle."

In his letter to Biden, Ye wrote: "I am so happy to hear from you! Time flies, and months have passed since we met in the United States. It seems that we are always in a hurry when we are together." He added, "The consensus we reached last time has been realized in time."

Ye also suggested that Hunter-Biden "arrange for personnel to coordinate with Manager Zang and Dong Gongwen on specific tasks." Ye said, "I will continue to pay attention and give support." "I have arranged for Manager Zang and Gongwen Dong to expedite the capital investment in Hua Ying."

Ye wrote: "I look forward to meeting with you in the near future to discuss our joint venture. If there is anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to write to me and please send my sincerest regards to you and your family."

A report released in September by the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee (Senate Homeland Security Committee) and the Senate Finance Committee (Senate Finance Committee) revealed that Ye Jianming, Dong Gongwen and other Chinese nationals who had business dealings with Hunt had ties to China's Communist Party government and the Communist Party's military.

The report was an investigation into Hunter's alleged involvement in overseas business dealings. The report states, "These connections have resulted in millions of dollars in suspicious transactions/cash flows."

Hunt's attorney did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.

Meanwhile, Fox News obtained and reviewed more than a dozen text messages between retired U.S. Navy Lt. Bobrinsky and some of Biden's business associates, as well as a Chinese representative of Central European Financial Corp. regarding $10 million in transfers.

The messages show that the $10 million transfer was delayed for several weeks from June 25, 2017, to mid-July 2017. Several text messages indicate that the delay was caused by visa issues, including an email sent by Jim Biden, Joe Biden's brother, who was involved in the joint venture.

Jim (Jim Biden) appears to have written in a July 10, 2017 email to Bobrinski, "Just got off the phone with Zaho[sp], still working on visa issues and they still have not filled out the proper paperwork to submit a re-entry application. Still hoping to get my personal advice."

Jim did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment on the email or the $10 million transfer.

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