
发表: 2020-12-25 22:04:15 | 更新: 2021-03-20 08:41:21


中国又爆新种病毒 患者确诊高致死“H5N6”




China has a new virus outbreak and a patient is diagnosed with the highly lethal "H5N6"

On December 19, a woman in Ningyuan County, Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, was diagnosed with the highly lethal H5N6 avian influenza infection. The picture shows the schematic diagram of the chicken farm. (SEYLLOU/AFP via Getty Images)   

As the outbreak heats up in China, a new deadly virus has broken out in Yongzhou City, Hunan Province. A woman infected with the highly lethal H5N6 bird flu has been admitted to the intensive care unit. The local live poultry trading market has been completely shut down.

Comprehensive media reports indicate that a woman in Ningyuan County, Yongzhou City, was diagnosed with highly lethal H5N6 avian influenza on Dec. 19 and is currently being treated in the intensive care unit, still requiring a respirator as of Dec. 21.

The county's Jumping Dunshi live poultry trading market has been closed since the 19th, but on the 20th, the county announced that all live poultry trading markets were closed, including eight major farmers' markets and 44 farmers' bazaars in townships, and that close contacts of the patient were being monitored closely. But authorities did not say whether the infected woman was related to the closed markets.

According to reports, "H5N6 subtype of avian influenza" animal-to-human transmission is very rare, so the human body's immunity to the virus is extremely low, or even no immunity. If the "H5N6" avian influenza virus mutates and a human-to-human transmission occurs, it will be a challenge to human health.

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