
发表: 2020-12-25 23:40:38 | 更新: 2021-03-20 08:26:57


















Jack Ma in danger

The government is continuing to crack down on Jack Ma after the suspension of Ant Financial's IPO. 24 days later, Alibaba was investigated and Ant Group received a second interview notice. Experts believe that Xi Jinping's goal is to take over the entire Chinese private sector, and that the authorities are "hunting" Ma Yun, and other red-top businessmen will not escape.

On December 24, the Central Bank of the Communist Party of China (CBC) issued an announcement saying that the CBC, together with four major regulators - the CBRC, the SFC and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) - would interview Ant Group for the second time.

On the same day, the General Administration of Market Supervision of the CPC issued an announcement saying that an investigation was opened into the alleged monopolistic behavior of Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd.

Once the two major negative news came out, the share price of Alibaba Group fell in response. That night, after the U.S. stock market opened, Alibaba shares opened over 10% lower and then fell still further down over 15%, evaporating over $110 billion in market value.

Ant fears to be collected

The Voice of America quoted some observers' analysis, saying that in the regulatory meeting on November 2, Jack Ma had already offered to dedicate part of Ant Group's shareholding to the central government. As a result, Ant is likely to be absorbed by the Chinese Communist Party in the future.

The source told Watch China that Ma has said more than once that he could offer Ant Financial Services, which Ma considers a treasure, but in the eyes of the CCP's top leaders, the entire Ant Financial Services and even Ali Group would be in their palms if Ma were put to death.

The source also revealed that Xi Jinping's internal staff team is evaluating how much economic shock a complete takeover of Ali would bring.

Xie Tian: Jack Ma Meets the King of the Mountain

Xie Tian, a professor at the Aiken School of Business at the University of South Carolina, told Watch China in an analysis that Ma is now basically meeting the King of the Mountain, "When bandits rob a house, take your property as you like, just don't hurt the lives of our family, almost like this."

Xie Tian said that the Chinese Communist Party is distrustful of Ma Yun, a private entrepreneur, and then a tiger eye, ready to kill the chicken and take the egg, or just kill the chicken. An advisor to the Beijing government said it is certain that the CCP wants to nationalize Ma's part of the business.

Red-top businessman in danger

Xia Yeliang, a former associate professor at Peking University's School of Economics, said in an interview with Voice of Hope that even Ma Yun, who used to be very close to the CCP and was called a "red-top businessman," is under threat, so there is no other business that does not feel nervous or threatened. They can't escape, and they are not allowed to withdraw their capital and leave China.

Xia Yeliang said, private enterprises, no matter how big the enterprise, how big the wealth, one day the Chinese Communist Party is not happy, it can let you all to zero.

Xia Yeliang said, private enterprises in the mainland, there is no real long-term security, there is no equal legal status. The law is in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, it is used to rule others, even the Constitution is also a virtual nullity. The CCP's mode of governance has not yet entered the ranks of politically civilized countries.

"The leader of the June Fourth Movement, Wuer Kaixi, pointed out that Chinese companies such as Jack Ma are licking their blood on the knife's edge to make profits, and their case of being harvested by the CCP at any time is enough to warn the West that China's economy is firmly tied to power and is a destroyer of the international order.

He said that the downfall of Ant Group should make these richest people in China realize, and also show the world clearly: it is impossible to steal a life by enduring humiliation.

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