
发表: 2020-12-25 23:58:05 | 更新: 2021-03-20 08:26:32



















同一时段,退党(退出中共党、团、队组织)这一关键词在Google Trends的中国区热度激增,显示许多人开始关注并搜索退党话题。大纪元退党网站浏览的人数也暴增。








根据中央组织部的统计数据显示,截至2019年底,中共党员总数达9191.4万名。 美国初步估算,这一制裁计划涉及的人数将达2.7亿人。

Since the U.S. announced restrictions on the immigration and entry of Chinese Communist Party members and their families into the U.S., the number of Chinese people who have resigned from the Party has increased dramatically. Volunteers at the Global Withdrawal Center recently revealed that some mainland public security officials have expressed "repentance" and have made three withdrawals, and more than 100 pinkies have also made three withdrawals. Even the "pinkies" who attacked the Center also did so.

Recently, the volunteers of the Global Withdrawal Center said that since July this year, the attacks by the Chinese Communist Party's "fifty cents" on the withdrawal volunteers have become more frequent, but the number of people calling the withdrawal hotline for the three withdrawals has become more and more frequent.

Ms. Zhao, a volunteer at the Center, told China Watch that after the U.S. issued a ban on the entry of Chinese Communist Party members in July, the Center's hotline has been particularly busy, with calls from young Chinese studying and working in the U.S. asking to apply for the "three withdrawals," as well as calls from elderly people asking for the "three withdrawals.

Ms. Zhao said, these elderly people's children do not agree with them to resign from the party and refuse to help them to do the "three withdrawals", so they call us to help to return, "These elderly people are very angry, some of them say, this Communist Party is too bad, children to the United States and still suffer so much. The Communist Party has brainwashed all the way to the U.S. and changed the U.S. college textbooks, saying socialism is good and the Trump (Trump) administration is bad."

Ms. Zhao said that one of the female teachers, she said that the communist ideology started from the textbooks to poison students, "including universities, secondary and elementary school textbooks are changing, American youth are so poisoned by them (communism), including her children are subject to communist brainwashing, (everyone) is in a hurry."

Mainland Public Security Officer Calls Hotline to Express "Repentance" for Quitting Party

Ms. Zhao said that in addition to people calling the hotline to apply for the "three retreats," many people also wanted to know the real situation of Falun Gong, and they asked various questions.

Ms. Zhao said she received several phone calls from a mainland Public Security Bureau cadre, "Every time he called me, he coughed very badly and had health problems. He said he had participated in the persecution of Falun Gong in China and wanted to repent to Falun Gong practitioners, saying that the Communist Party was very 'bad' and 'evil. He said he couldn't help himself at first and now he regrets it very much."

The "pinkos" who attacked the Center also withdrew

Zhang Ling, a volunteer at the Canadian Withdrawal Service Center, told Look at China that she has been receiving frequent calls from university students in mainland China, each time from a group of students cursing at her.

She said that in the end, the students were so moved that they went through the "three retreats" one by one. They also told Zhang Ling that they didn't want to scold her, but that someone had paid them to do so.

"Many of them were freshmen, and I said I didn't care what your attitude was toward me, as long as you were safe I would be happy ......," Zhang Ling said, "I told them about traditional Chinese culture and the virtues of doing good deeds. They all love to listen; they talk about the evil of the Communist Party and the cruelty of live organ harvesting." Zhang Ling said.

She said, "I said, at first I didn't believe in live organ harvesting, so I called Shanghai Changzheng Hospital because someone in my family had been hospitalized there before and I was familiar with the place, so I wanted to see if the live organ harvesting thing was true or not, so I tested them and said someone in my family wanted to have a kidney replaced, and then a doctor told me that Jiang Zemin's son had been replaced four times in their hospital. He said it depends on how much you spend. He said it depends on how much money you spend, the fastest is 4 hours, 1-2 weeks, and the longest is 2 months."

I told the doctor, "We can't have the word 'money' in our eyes. We Chinese people are all descendants of the same family, the same clan, originally born from the same root, what is too urgent! I got choked up as I said it. As a result, the doctor shouted hysterically, asking me who I really was, saying that if I dared to go over there, I would also be picked alive, while I was in tears. ......"

Zhang Ling said she also told these students a lot of the truth about the evils of the Communist Party, the students were touched, "they originally came to cause trouble, then they understood the truth, they all transformed, leading waves of people, constantly come to do three retreats, one after the other, more than 100 people."

The Trump administration's new rules restrict the entry of Chinese Communist Party members

In July, the Chinese Communist Party media cited U.S. media reports that the Trump administration was considering a total ban on travel to the United States by members of the Chinese Communist Party and their families. The news was greeted with an outcry from mainlanders. U.S. President Donald Trump even earned the title "Secretary of Anti-Corruption" among Chinese citizens.

During the same period, the keyword "quit the party" (quit the CCP party, league, or team) spiked on Google Trends in China, indicating that many people are paying attention to and searching for the topic of quitting the party. The number of visitors to the Da Ji Yuan Quit the Party website also skyrocketed.

On September 17, the father of a U.S. citizen whose immigration application was denied for being a member of the Chinese Communist Party was deported on the spot upon entry into the United States and his ten-year visa was cancelled.

At the time, Zheng Cunzhu, a U.S. democrat and immigration consultant for a law firm, told the media that Chinese Communist Party members, whether immigrating, visiting relatives or traveling, could face the risk of being deported at the airport. He revealed that many Chinese immigrants and international students, who had stayed in the United States, had quit the Communist Party.

On October 2, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued its latest policy to restrict the immigration of CCP members to the U.S. Anyone with membership in the CCP or related party organizations, or with other totalitarian political party status, will not be able to obtain a U.S. green card or citizenship.

According to outside analysis, this U.S. policy is aimed directly at the top power elites within the CCP, as only the power elite have the ability and financial resources to immigrate to the United States or send their families and children abroad.

Therefore, this policy will be very damaging to the CCP's powerful elites and may intensify the conflict within the CCP. At the same time, it has set off a wave of Chinese people resigning from the Party.

Yi Rong, president of the Global Withdrawal Service Center, revealed on Oct. 5 that after the introduction of the new U.S. immigration rules, the hotline for resigning from the party has been getting hotter and hotter, with dozens of times more people coming to the party in the past two days.

As of December 25, 2020, nearly 370 million people worldwide have declared their "withdrawal" on the Da Ji Yuan withdrawal website. The previous day, more than 50,000 people had withdrawn.

According to statistics from the Central Organization Department, the total number of Communist Party members reached 91.194 million by the end of 2019. Preliminary U.S. estimates put the number of people involved in this sanctions program at 270 million.

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