川普总统:我的飞机很快在即将举行的集会上再次使用! 2020我们赢了 没必要扯2022 ,2024 ;不解决2020 , 2024没有人去那里投票

发表: 2021-05-21 20:14:54 | 更新: 2021-05-25 11:37:10

川普总统:我的飞机很快在即将举行的集会上再次使用! 2020我们赢了 没必要扯2022 ,2024 ;不解决2020 , 2024没有人去那里投票

Donald J. Trump

6:17pm May 21, 2021

Many people have asked about the beautiful Boeing 757 that became so iconic during the Trump rallies. It was effectively kept in storage in Upstate New York in that I was not allowed to use it during my presidency. It is now being fully restored and updated and will be put back into service sometime prior to the end of the year. It will soon be brought to a Louisiana service facility for the completion of work, inspection and updating of Rolls-Royce engines, and a brand new paint job. When completed, it will be better than ever, and again used at upcoming rallies!




教会专注于未来:“你将成为2024年的候选人。专注于未来。你会在2022年做得很好,你会在2024年成为绝对获胜的候选人。” 但我说好吧,等一下。我们已经赢了。我们已经赢了,人们必须知道发生了什么,他们不希望再次发生。我得到的一个问题是,同样的事情会不会在22和24年再次发生。如果我们能说服人们。那就不会再发生了,或者如果我们不从根本上解决问题,不改变它。这些人就不会在那里投票了。
Church focus on the future. You're going to be the candidate in 2024. Focus on the future. You'll do well in 2022 and you're going to be the candidate at absolutely win in 2024. But I say well, wait a minute. We won already. We won already and people have to know what went on and they don't want to have it again. One of the questions I get well will the same thing happen again in 22 and 24. And if we can convince people. That that won't happen again, or if we don't get right down to the bottom of it and change it. Those people aren't going to be there to vote.

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