
发表: 2020-12-21 13:48:28 | 更新: 2021-03-20 23:36:18









The Chinese Communist Party is angry with the public and has deleted the report

A few days ago, the Chinese Communist Party announced that it would provide $1.5 billion to help Pakistan pay off its debts. The Chinese media then published an article saying that $1 billion had already been given. The news sparked outrage among netizens at a time when the lives of China's underclass are in dire straits. The report has now been removed.

On December 14, the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of the Communist Party of China (CPC) released a news release saying that the authorities intended to provide a $1.5 billion loan to Pakistan to help the country repay a $2 billion debt to Saudi Arabia.
Google snapshot of the official website of the Ministry of Commerce of the Communist Party of China. (Screenshot of the webpage)

On the same day, Sina Finance posted an article saying that Pakistan's debt to Saudi Arabia is about to mature and the country's economy is in trouble due to the epidemic, so China is reaching out to help.

The article also said that Pakistan owes a total of $3 billion to Saudi Arabia for this debt, and has previously repaid $1 billion, also provided by the Beijing government, to prevent Pakistan's financial collapse.

The above news provoked the anger of Chinese netizens. People are asking: Does Pakistan need to pay back these "loans"? Others blamed the authorities: why didn't they lend a helping hand to the countless Chinese people who are also suffering from the epidemic?
Netizens accused the Chinese Communist Party of throwing money around without regard for the lives of the people. (Screenshot from the website)

Before going to press, New Tang Dynasty found that the above-mentioned articles from the CCP's Ministry of Commerce and Sina Finance had been deleted, but the original article could still be seen from Google snapshots.

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