
发表: 2021-01-25 09:17:41 | 更新: 2021-02-27 06:33:08



美国国会参议员乔什·霍利(Josh Hawley)和众议员埃利斯·斯特凡尼克(Elise Stefanik)等人呼吁对中共病毒起源以及中共在其中扮演的角色进行国际调查。








然而,拜登上任后立即叫停美国退出世卫,并提醒联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres),美国将继续成为世卫一员。





U.S. lawmakers call for investigation into Chinese Communist Party's cover-up of outbreak, claims against China

Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican. (BILL CLARK/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)   

 As the new U.S. administration calls off the U.S. withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO), several U.S. senators and representatives are calling for an investigation into the Communist Party's concealment of the outbreak and claims against the Chinese Communist Party.

U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (D-CA) and Representative Elise Stefanik (D-CA), among others, have called for an international investigation into the origins of the CCP virus and the role the CCP played in it.

Hawley had already introduced a resolution in the Senate in March 2020 urging an international investigation into the CCP government's handling of COVID-19, a pneumonia disease caused by the CCP virus, and the impact of that handling on people in the United States and other countries.

The resolution, also introduced in the House, urges the international community to quantify the harm caused by the Communist regime's handling of the outbreak and to "devise a mechanism" for the Communist Party to provide compensation to countries affected by the outbreak.

It has been a year since the first confirmed case in the United States, and the Chinese Communist Party continues to obstruct any credible investigation into the origins of the deadly epidemic, Hawley said in a statement on 22 June. The World Health Organization, which President Biden praised, is, to put it nicely, incompetent and, to put it badly, a minion of the Chinese Communist Party.

The statement said, "We must redouble our efforts to figure out how the Chinese Communist Party's negligence triggered this global pandemic and hold them accountable."

While the WHO is conducting its own investigation, the Trump administration and Republicans had expressed skepticism about its investigation and the WHO itself.

The Trump administration sent formal notice of its withdrawal from the WHO to the United Nations last July, and the withdrawal took effect in July of this year.

Trump condemned WHO for helping the Chinese Communist Party hide the epidemic, despite the fact that the United States is the largest donor to WHO, giving it about $450 million a year, but WHO has become a puppet of the Chinese Communist Party. And the Chinese Communist Party pays WHO about $50 million a year in fees.

However, immediately after taking office, Biden called off the U.S. withdrawal from the WHO and reminded U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres that the U.S. would remain a member of the WHO.

WHO scientists arrived in China last week to investigate the origin of the virus, but there are concerns that the investigation will be hampered by the Chinese Communist Party, which has spent months negotiating the terms of the investigation with the WHO.

Hawley and Stefanik took note of the comments of the scientists on the WHO mission. They said the investigation "is not designed to find China (the Chinese Communist Party) guilty.

The two lawmakers said Biden should move forward and ask the international community to conduct a new investigation. Stefanik said Biden has the right to demand answers from the WHO as to why the organization promoted the Chinese Communist Party's disinformation campaign about the pandemic.

"Instead, President Biden made the illogical decision to rejoin the WHO without bothering to demand key reforms (from the WHO)." Stefanik said, "President Biden must stand up for the American people and hold them accountable when U.S. interests are ignored at global organizations like the taxpayer-funded WHO."

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