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发表时间: 08/17/2019  






 A satellite image appears to show a close up of Chinese military vehicles at Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen, China, August 12, 2019. Picture taken August 12, 2019.



Military vehicles are parked on the grounds of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen, China August 15, 2019.

Chinese servicemen walk past military vehicles in the parking area of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Chinese servicemen attend a crowd control exercise at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019.

Chinese servicemen attend a crowd control exercise at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019.

Chinese servicemen attend a crowd control exercise at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019.

Chinese servicemen attend a crowd control exercise at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019.Chinese servicemen attend a crowd control exercise at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019.

Chinese servicemen attend a crowd control exercise at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019.

Chinese servicemen attend a crowd control exercise at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019.

Chinese servicemen stand on a military vehicle at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019. 

Chinese servicemen stand on a military vehicle at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019. 

Servicemen walk past military vehicles in the parking area of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Servicemen walk past military vehicles in the parking area of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 16, 2019. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Military vehicles are parked on the grounds of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen, China August 15, 2019.

Military vehicles are parked on the grounds of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen, China August 15, 2019. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Military vehicles are parked on the grounds of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen, China August 15, 2019. REUTERS/Thomas Peter

Chinese soldiers walk in formation on the grounds of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 15, 2019.


Chinese soldiers eat on the grounds of the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center in Shenzhen across the bay from Hong Kong, China August 15, 2019. REUTERS/Thomas Peter


Police officers are assembled to take part in a drill in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China August 6, 2019.

Police officers take part in an anti-riot drill in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China August 6, 2019. 

Police officers take part in an anti-riot drill in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China August 6, 2019.

Police officers with riot gear take part in an oath-taking rally in Foshan, Guangdong province, China July 30, 2019. Picture taken July 30, 2019.

Police officers from China's Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) stand on vehicles as they take part in an oath-taking rally in Foshan, Guangdong province, China July 30, 2019. 


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